Now, 10 years later.....I am out blowing leaves today. Since we are in the woods, and the leaves are never ending, each year I blow them back a bit further. I was in that area today that RJ and Reece were playing in 10 years ago. I suddenly felt crunching under my feet. I pulled the leaves away and found a very old bottle dump. There were hundreds!!! How could I not have known these were there all these years. Unfortunately, many were broken. I started separating the good from the bad. Here is a picture of all the broken ones.....
There were even these galvanized containers, but the bottoms were worn right out. Bummer!
I went back and forth filling bags and bringing them back up to the house. There are still a ton more to dig for, but I'm going to save that for another day. Here is what I gathered today.
Most of them are typical jars. Some of the lids say mayonnaise and another one say "10 cents" on it. I pulled a few out that were a little different and took some pics of them. I cleaned them the best I could for now. I have to get a wire brush to get at them better.
Small perfume bottle?
Ketchup bottles?
Vinegar bottles?
Cool texture on this one...
Liquor bottles?
Juice glasses
Syrup bottle?
Prescription bottle (says, "not to be refilled")
Other miscellaneous
I can't wait to get all of these cleaned up. I plan on having one heck of a vignette this spring filling all of these with fresh flowers.
On another note, I am excited to share that the HEADBOARD I posted about yesterday, sold in less than 24 hours on Craigslist. The girl who bought it said she has been typing in "queen headboard" everyday for a month. She was so excited when mine popped up for her yesterday. I didn't even get the chance to bring it to the flea market. Yay, one less thing to lug.....
Be sure to check out my Etsy seller GIVEAWAY...