
Monday, May 16, 2011

"Meet Me On Monday" ~Theme party #1~Light fixture makeovers

I am so excited to share my first linky party with all of you. "Meet Me On Monday". I have to give Randy credit for coming up with the name. Each week I will be hosting a new theme. I will let you know a week in advance what the next theme will be so you can have your projects, crafts, or recipes prepared.

This week is DIY or vintage light fixtures. Personally, I have had fun with quite a few of these projects.

Here are a few of mine that I have shared in the past:

Sami's shabby chandelier:

Vintage lamps with skeleton shades....(The makeovers can be seen HERE and HERE)

Now for the rules.....

1.Please link your specific post, not your blog
2.No giveaway or Etsy shop links
3.Grab my button or link my party somewhere on your blog.

That's it....Short and sweet...

Next weeks theme will be SIGNS!! Handmade by you or someone else....

Linking to THESE parites


  1. Sounds like fun! I hope i can get some things finished I have been working has gotten so busy and I'm trying to get some yard work done between all the rain..ugh!

  2. OK I'm in. I will have to have Nicole figure out the whole linky, button thingy. Where is your button?
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. I am linking up a previous post of a shade redo- I hope that is ok.

    bee blessed

  4. Thank you for hosting this party. I am actually doing a weeks worth of lighting makeovers on my blog! 2 down and 5 to go. What perfect timing :)
    Full of Great Ideas

  5. Thank You so much for hosting this party and asking me to join! LOVE your a follower, too! :D

  6. I saw your link on Making the World Cuter and I knew I had to come join the party! I love a good lamp redo! I added 2 of my own makeovers :)

  7. Thank you very much for inviting me to link up. I'm now also your newest follower

  8. Thank you so much for inviting me! I'm a new follower - I love your blog!

  9. Thanks for inviting me over, I love your blog!

  10. Your lamp looks beautiful... Thank you for visiting my blog ( and leaving me a comment. I did a lamp makeover a few days ago..... so perfect timing :) GREAT PARTY!!!

  11. Thanks for invited me to link up with your party! Thank you for the comments at mine. Have a great day!

  12. cute cute green lamp! I like that bare outline of the shade, all in white. Nice job :)

  13. Thanks for the invite!!! Awesome party!! :)

  14. Phew! The last day and i finally got Linky to work for me. Lamp refurbishing is one of my favorite things to do, so thanks for hosting this themed link party.

    1. I love it when people put flowers on chandeliers. It just makes them so much more beautiful.

      -Zane of ontario honey
