
Friday, April 27, 2012

"Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder" sign...and a wedding gift....

About a week ago I found two old cabinet doors in a heap of junk pile at the end of a driveway where I got this dresser. They were huge and my first thought was to turn them into signs....They sat in my shed until today when I decided to tackle one. I used a saying that has been reeling in my head recently...."Absence Make the Heart Grow Fonder"....I drew the hearts on, penciled the letters in, then hand painted every last one...UGH! The final stage was distressing it to give it vintage appeal...
So, while I was in project mode, I decided to tackle a project I knew I have been wanting to make for a wedding gift. I got the idea from some window projects I have made in the past. Those can be seen HERE and HERE. For this project I was going with a bird theme. I know the bride to be loves vintage and nature, so I knew this would be the perfect combination. Although the project is a bit time consuming. The end result is always worth it!


  1. But it is beautiful!
    Have a good weekend.


  2. Ooooh, both of these are AWESOME!!!!!

  3. Love it usual. I have two four panel windows like this that my father-in-law found at a sale from an old church. Now I know what to do with them. Thanks Lisa!

  4. Beautiful as always Lisa! I love that wedding gift. I'm sure the bride and groom will too!

    Have a great week.

  5. Both absolutely fabulous!
    ~Debra xxx
    capers of the vintage vixens

  6. I love the green color of the door and how you have pictures of birds in each glass segment. What would be really cool is a bunch of pictures of old movie posters. That would be neat.

    -Zane of ontario honey

  7. Hi, I'm curious about that door, is that a glass panel in front of it?
    Pantry Doors

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