
Friday, January 28, 2011

4th recycled project from wardrobe

You can read about the wardrobe I am using for recycling pieces and project #1 HERE

And for project #4 I used the top board that held the wardrobe stable.

Yet again, a sign it is...... I found some great cardboard letters at TJ Maxx used for scrap booking. They were only $1.99 and will be used for hundreds of future projects. The board was long, so I needed a long word. I chose Martha's Vineyard. I lined them up first to make sure they'd fit.

I painted it a funky green. Next I painted the letters on....Once dry, I distressed the sign....It's fun whimsical, and unique.......

Only two days left to enter my Etsy seller #2 GIVEAWAY.

I'll be linking to these PARTIES


  1. i love it, but i love martha's vineyard... so beautiful. what is that pat mcgee song about the vineyard? i love that song, too. you are making me really nostalgic for new england right now!

  2. Very original! You are going to become known as the 'sign lady'! There isn't any place, expression, word or phrase that can't become a statement piece (literally). So, is there anything left of the wardrobe???? Happy Weekend!

  3. That is great! It really caught my eye because I LOVE Martha's Vineyard!! You did a great job on that! Thanks for joining in on Show and Tell Friday!

  4. Ooooh, it's awesome! That wardrobe never even saw you coming :)
    p.s. did you see my first sign ever on my blog??

  5. Hey Lisa! LUV that sign you made! You've got my brain spinning with ideas for pieces of old wood in my barn..... lol! Did you just trace those letters on the wood and then paint the outline by hand? Great job!

    xoxo laurie
