
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A party and Fifi...

Many of you know my great friend Debra from Capers of the Vintage Vixens. Every year her and her husband Don host a huge Oktoberfest party. I went with the kids this year.

She had two guests you all may know from blogland. Fifi O'Neill and Mark Lohman. I had met them over the summer at Debra's while they were shooting photos of her home for their upcoming magazine or book. That post can be seen HERE

So, it was exciting to meet up with them again...

Here is a picture I LOVE of my daughter Sami with Debra's grandaughter Maci. Debra and her daughter Nicole made the awesome head pieces for all of the girls.

There was fun to be had by all. Thanks for stopping by...


  1. those pics are great! looks like a really fun and well thought out party.

  2. What a fun day to get to spend with Debra, Fifi and Mark! Your daughter and Debra's granddaughter are both so cute!


  3. What a fun looking party, and the girls are beautiful.

  4. What everyone must have had! I love the picture of the girls in their head pieces and I bet it was fabulous having Fifi and Mark in attendance! Thank you for sharing! Hugs, Leena

  5. Loved having you and the kids over!!!You were a great help and I thank you for that:) Can't wait until the book comes out!!!
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens
    P.S. Check out Maynards Greenhouse blog where you will see yourself and Sami. (Just ignore the first picture;)lol

  6. oh such a pretty party! thanks for sharing! the head pieces are amazing!

  7. Your family is beautiful. Sami seems like a sweet girl. Did you make the flowers that are on her head?

    -Zane of ontario honey
