
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Eclectic coffee table

So, if any of you are like me, you find a piece you love and you use it in your home. Then if something better comes along, you replace it. Well, I am now onto my third coffee table since I think March??

Here is the first one: (you can see that post HERE)

Then onto the second one: (You can see that post HERE)

Then there is this one that I got the other day for only $12..

The problem with it is that it is not a vintage piece and I wasn't sure how well it would look painted. The top was shiny and it weighs more than an elephant even with the drawers out of it. But, I figured it would be the most practical for the kids due to the size and storage space with three drawers.

Lo and behold, I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome and it has replaced the other two....


  1. Love the third one......can I have the second one,hah.

  2. This is gorgeous. It turned out so great! I love the curves of the 2nd one, what did you end up doing with it??

  3. Great job Lisa. I love all three! I'm on the hunt for a coffee table, and a few couches, chairs and end tables, etc. I have no furniture for my living rooms. Can I come raid your stuff? So wish we lived closer!!

  4. PRETTY!! I know, sometimes I feel like I;m playing a game of musical furniture :)

  5. I love the third and the second. You do such beautiful work!! I wish I didn't live so far away so I could buy the second one from you! Have a great weekend!

  6. Lovely pieces! It gives me encouragement to tackle my coffee table.

    I featured your work on my blog...


  7. It turned out great! And I agree about the practicality of the shape & size :) Awesome!!

  8. Ok, I need hints please, my husband has a big coffee table at work that is going to be coming home one day soon, it has that shiny top. Did you have to do anything other than sanding to get it to hold the paint? I was thinking I was going to be stuck with the look of it until I saw your piece, which I love by the way! Wish mine had the drawers yours has. You did a great job on that!

  9. Hey we get bored of things or we fix things up and want to enjoy that. Nothing wrong with a change of tables every now and then. I get bored easily too.

    -Zane of ontario honey

  10. Just purchased a coffee table similar to your third one, at a garage sale. I am new to the DIY world, can you give me steps on how to get the look. It is a cherry coffee table very similar to the last pic. One problem though, it was suppose to have a glass top insert, but broken. So not only do I need suggestions for how to go about painting it, but any ideas on replacing the glass?
