
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Shabby chic robin's egg blue mini farm table

It was a long  fun weekend at the school tag sale I ran on Saturday and Sunday. I was pleased with how I personally did after all of the work I put into it.

On Saturday night after the first day of the sale I ran out to get us chinese food. Of course I stopped at Goodwill on my way. I found 3 AWESOME pieces. I will share one now and the other two over the week.

Here is the before of a mini farm table I found. (oops, I almost forgot to take the before photo) It wasn't that bad looking to begin with, but really needed a bit more character and to be brightened up.

Sorry but the after photos aren't the greatest. I had already brought the piece to the tag sale and had the top covered with serving dishes and flowers. You should be able to get the idea though.

Now I have to say, "THANK YOU DAD!" My parents are selling their home and builing a new home on a lake. They are so deserving of this change in their lives and I am so excited for them. That being said, for as long as I can remember, my father has been a HUGE collector of antiques for his own personal collection.  They are unable though to pack all of it up and bring it with them. Well guess where the majority of that stuff is going? You guessed it, to me! He has given me free reign to keep or sell whatever I want. I will share a photo of a lot of the miscellaneous with you on another day.

In the meantime, he is constantly finding free pieces for me to paint. The best thing is that he knows my taste. Here are a few of the things I am going to tackle and complete over the week....

I know, right? Are you drooling, because I haven't been able to stop. I can't wait to slap some paint on this stuff!

I also can't wait until tomorrow to share my second themed linky party with all of you. Come prepared with your signs to link up. I will let you know tomorrow what the theme for the following week will be.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.


  1. that is adorable! love the shape and color. and your dad is so awesome! does he want to adopt me? ;)

  2. Just love the table and the blue...LOVE IT! What a sweet dad you have!!!

  3. I love the table in blue! Cant wait to see what you do with the stuff your dad gave you!

  4. I love the table! You have a great talent for turning tired pieces into beauties! Nice work, as usual.

    Congratulations on getting the stuff from your parents. Fun, fun!!

    Have a great week!

  5. WOW!!!! Those are awesome!!! Glad the tag sale went well, I can't wait to link up tomorrow. I won't be able to until after I get back from preschool around 12:30pm (my time), but I'll definitely be there!

  6. Hey you lucky little girl, your daddy is the BEST!

  7. The table looks stunning in that colour i love it, beautiful

  8. Nicole and I had so much fun shopping at your tag sale. She said she could have stayed all day but the girls were little sugars. LOVE everthing I bought Saturday!!!Can't wait to see the after photos of your projects:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  9. I love the color blue you chose! So pretty!

  10. Love your new blue table and have fun going through all the "stuff" from your Dad!

  11. I can't wait for you to share all the pictures of all the antiques your parents are giving you. You most be so excited.

    -Zane of ontario honey
