
Monday, May 23, 2011

"Meet Me On Monday" ~Theme party #2~SIGNS

OK, so I will admit that I was a nervous wreck that no one would show up for my first themed linky party last week. I was so relieved when people actually started to post their links. To top it off, I was blown away with everyone's masterpieces. It is so nice to see so many of these lamps get a second chance at life! Here are a few that really popped out at me....

Kammy from Kammy's Korner has a new take on milk glass....

Debra from Capers of the Vintage Vixens is the queen of all things romantic and vintage. This chandelier clearly tells it all.

Merrilee from Lilledale blew my mind with this vintage cake carrier....

You will love Ali's take on a lampshade from My Third True Love.

Be sure to visit Heart Break Kids to find out why you should no longer throw away those little toys you step on all the time....

Rachel at Big Lives did a makeover that is literally a night and day transformation.

See what Jenn from Flea with Me does with a stinky old lampshade.

Now here we are, week #2. The theme is signs! They must be handcrafted by either yourself or someone else. They can be any shape or size...Big or small...Painted on a board,a wall,canisters,furniture or your favorite flower pot. The ideas are endless and I can't wait to see what you have come up with.

The sign I created this week was done on a shelf board that was hanging in a storage room....


Can't wait to see what all of you come up with.

The theme for next week is POLKA DOTS. If you don't have anything, you have a whole week to come up with something! It can be anything from home decor, to fabric, to clothing, to recipes, get the idea....

Now for the rules.....

1.Please link your specific post, not your blog
2.No giveaway or Etsy shop links
3.Grab my button or link my party somewhere on your blog.

Linking to THESE parties....


  1. Thanks for the feature! I can't wait to link up to more of your parties, I'm excited for the polka dots next week! ~ Merrilee

  2. The signs are my favorite!

    Thank you for the sweet blog comments!

    I gave you the versatile blogger award! Check it out on my blog!

  3. Ok friend, all linked up :)
    Thanks for featuring my bird-a-lier :)
    you need a "I was featured on Serendipity Chic design" button :)

  4. Thanks for letting me know about the link party! I'll be following along from here on out!

  5. i am so sorry that i suck at themed parties. can you have a furniture party? ;)

  6. It's amazing the type of art people can create when they make lamp shades or signs. You'd think it'd be basic and not much creativity within these things. That is however wrong. You see huge extremes in different looks depending on who designs it.

    -Zane of ontario honey
