
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Vintage shoe shine stool~so cool!!

The other day I told you how my parents are building a new house. On the property there is a very old garage that has to be torn down. My father found two of the coolest things in there while cleaning it out. The first thing was the vintage ironing board I shared with you HERE.

I also mentioned that he found the BEST shoe shine stool with some of the supplies still in it.

I took it out yesterday to clean it up to sell at the flea market this weekend. I wanted to keep it as close to the original state as possible. But, it was a little to grungy for my taste. I got mt palm sander out to sand off any stains, dirt, and paint drips. I was so happy with the outcome.

Oh, and I think I forgot to mention, I AM SO KEEPING THIS NOW!!

Linking to THESE parties....


  1. I would keep it too! It looks fantastic!!

  2. That is so cute! I need to get me a palm sander to fix up some things around here :-)

  3. Good choice to hang onto it! It looks great!

    You and your family have been lucky finding treasures lately--this box, the bottles, etc. Nice!

    Have a great weekend.

  4. Yup, totally agree - where would you ever find another.
    - Joy

  5. What a great find - I'm wondering if you are going to keep any of the wood from the building!! I'd keep that stool too!

  6. I had to laugh when I got to the end...I don't blame you at all, I was wondering if you would sell it or keep it.
    I found this fantastic green wooden step stool that needed some gluing and I ran over it while backing up. My friend, the dealer had helped me load my car, we were talking and I was so happy and I am so sad now. I also broke a blue and white shoe when I got home. I had put it into a hat and forgotten it. It is a good thing my head is attached.

  7. This is so cute....have a great weekend


  8. YAY!!! AS I was scrolling down and saw how awesome it was, I literally said in my head "she can't sell it, she HAS to keep it!!" Then, when I read that last line, I laughed out loud :) Yay!!!

  9. it looks awesome, lisa! the flowers look so pretty in it. do you remember that shoe shine song by the gorillaz... it's in my head now. :)

  10. All that and turquoise too! You'd better lock that down. I love it!

  11. See, now this is why I NEED a patio or yard or something other than a dungeon apartment :) Love!

  12. Beautiful and unique with the removable top! Love it!

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  13. Keep it don't sale it. I love the green color to it.

    -Zane of ontario honey
