
Monday, March 14, 2011

New sign & day 3 of outdoor spring clean up

Today was day 3 of my spring yard clean up. Hope everyone is still on board with me working hard. Amazing what things can lead to. While out by the shed I found some cool objects for future projects.

The second photo is from an old bench I used to have. It led me to taking it apart and using part of it to make a sign.

How did I come up with today's saying you ask? How often do you cook, then clean, then it is already time for the next meal, or the kids are in the kitchen making a mess as you put the last dish in the dishwasher and wipe up the last crumb? You all need one of these hanging in your kitchen. (If only it would really work)

Now onto the yard....

I only had about an hours worth of gas left for the leaf blower, so I knew I wouldn't get much of that done, but knew that chipping away for an hour would be better than nothing. I tackled a portion of the side yard.

As usual, doesn't look like I got much done, but I have to deal with these darn things in layers upon layers. And the majority of the time, this is underneath.

So, in that hour, I got a few layers pushed back and two of the side hills done.

I also filled the wheelbarrow twice full of sticks and dumped them off the back cliff.

After that, I decided to clean up the back deck. In the winter we don't go out there and no one really sees it. Hence it becomes the catch all.  The trash and recycleables tend to build up because we don't feel like trudging in the snow or cold to bring them to their rightful places. An aqua dresser that needs to be refinished sat out there along with the Sami's area rug that got ruined from the flood.

Please tell me I am not the only one who leaves their dead plants in the hanging basket all winter long. Why I can't just throw this away in the fall is beyond me??????

Do you see my clothes line off to the left behind the dead plant. I can't wait to start using it. I LOVE hanging my clothes out to dry. Should be soon!

Everything still needs a good hosing, but it is still to cold to have pulled that out today. I just got everything picked up. I can't wait to decorate in the spring and have flowers and herbs cascading everywhere.

Again, join up with me this week accomplishing some work around your yard. I know a lot of you still have snow and aren't able to do what I am, but if it is as simple as throwing a dead plant away, you have gotten something done.

So, tell me, what did you get done today?

Don't forget to enter my CSN GIVEAWAY.

Congrats to Pam from Our Adventures In Home Improvement for winning my Etsy seller giveaway.

Linking to THESE parties.


  1. I'm so excited to have won your giveaway! Thanks so much.

    It looks like you did a TON of work again today! Getting that much stuff moved is definitely a reason to be happy!

    Nothing done in the yard here today. Rainy day...


  2. Hi, Lisa! I have to tell you that I may not leave my dead plants in hanging baskets, but I do leave my perennials hanging out dead all winter! I don't cut them until about now, and in the meantime they are SUCH an eyesore!

    As for my rugs, they are (unfortunately) discontinued moorish tile rugs from pottery barn, and are no longer available even on ebay. So sorry about that!

  3. looove that little aqua dresser and your bench and table!!!
    and i left my dead mums in my chair planters by my front door past christmas. yup. i am not ashamed!
    chris raked our yard today- i sat inside because sometimes i like to let nature take its course. :)

  4. lucky for me my Mom is visiting and is an avid gardener. I too leave dead plants but only until she visits and cleans them up, lol. (she's actually taken custody of one of my houseplants!). Sorry, no outside work for me today but your porch looks awesome and I love that little dresser!!

  5. My hubby put the finishing touches on our front yard fence (that separates us from our sketchy neighbors). Your back porch looks dreamy now. I love that pink table and bench. LOVE it!

  6. I have dead plants on my deck too. After being covered with snow for 3 months they appeared last weekend. Maybe I'll have a dead plant picture party. :) Love the sign and the pink desk and bench and that turquoise dresser is adorable. I want it.

  7. The table and bench are SO CUTE! LOVE them!

  8. I DO NOT leave dead plants hanging up throughout the winter, I leave mine in a pile at the side of the house and now they look awful! Great job on the yard work and your porch looks like a great place to relax (as if)!!!!

  9. Haha you should have seen inside my greenhouse. My last years tomatoplants hang like dead cowboys, ugly and very dead. And oh some pots outside has not been emtied yet either. Worst is though the leftovers from newyears eve and the kids. Firework leftovers compliment my sleeping perennials so well. haha I'm jokeing of course. :)
    Looks like you are up to a lot this week. A lot of leaf going on there. Do you need to remove them.You know they make very good compost for your garden. Mirrirs aws well love them to bits.Gorgeous blue color.
    Sahure that dresser is destroyed, it is sooo beautiful.

  10. If only when you hang up that sign it really meant that the kitchen was closed. At least if you put that up you have a a excuse to sit down and relax for a bit. Eventually though the kids will complain and you'll have to get up and cook for them. It's nice when they cook for themselves once in a while.

    -Zane of ontario honey
