
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Frame made with vintage jewelry and day #2 of outdoor spring clean up

Today I wanted to share an idea for a project with vintage jewelry. Back in the day, my mother in law wore clip on earrings. She had a ton of them. They are now in my possession and because of sentimentality I didn't want them stuck away in a drawer.

A couple of years ago Sami and my niece Olivia had an Old Time Photo done.

The photo was 8x10, so I needed an inexpensive frame that I could re-create. I found one at the thrift store for $2, painted it silver, then used my hot glue gun to glue all of the vintage clip ons to it.

So, if you were around yesterday, you have hopefully joined up with me to do at least a few hours of spring clean up yard work this week. Here is my DAY 1.

Today was day 2. I spent 4 hours leaf blowing "the woods" today. Here is the before of the one section of leaves, sticks, acorns, and rocks I blew today.

Yes, my after photos are in the dark. I don't quit until I can no longer see an inch in front of me and I am afraid a bear or coyote is going to sneak up behind me. I will update the photos in the day light tomorrow. Just wanted everyone to see I have upheld my end of the bargain and "did my time" today.

Please join me the rest of the week and leave a comment as to what you have accomplished.

Don't forget to enter my 2 giveaways
CSN $30 gift certificate

Vintage aqua spoons ending at midnight tonight.


  1. I did some yard clean up and spring planting myself. It was a lot of work and every muscle in my body is sore right now.... but wow, I'm glad I don't live in the woods right now. We rented a place in the woods last year and I blew leaves for an hour, realized I was getting no where and gave up!
    Stopping by from Debbie's!

  2. @Erika . . . with a K dont know why I said stopping by from Debbies... oops, that was the last blog I visited! Anyway, have a great week!

  3. Your frame - what a wonderful way to create memories. I haven't started yard cleanup yet (ground is sodden) but I am plugging away at one hot spot at a time in the kitchen (the center of all hot spots). I am amazed at the leaves you removed, huge job, great success.
    - Joy

  4. Love the photo...and WOW! Your MIL had a lot of earrings!!!
    The frame is perfect for that photo!

  5. I love love love that frame. What a great idea! Only got about 1/2 hour of work in the yard. My day was eaten up by doing inventory and taxes. Not fun. But your frame made me smile.

  6. the frame is adorable! but i am thinking your after shots outside are actually stills from the blair witch project. ;)

  7. Wow! You did a TON of work today! I was outside today and got rid of all of the grass that was growing up on the curbing between our lawn and planters. It looks so much better now! I hope our weather stays decent so I can get out there more during the week.

    I'm sure you're going to be wiped out tomorrow after all of your work this weekend!


  8. I did not do yard work but DID spend the day outside enjoying the awesome weather working on a couple of painting projects!
    Cute frame!

  9. Love the blingy frame!!! Sounds like you've been working hard!

  10. WOW!!!! YOu have been BUSY!!! Love the frame ;)

  11. You are one busy the frame and those woods are cool, spooky in the dark, but cool!! I have been making a basket, making a wreath and cleaning and laundry today, ugh. Oh well, happy it's done!

  12. I'm curious as to what benefit leaf blowing in the woods has. (I'm tempted to think that if we had deciduous woods, I would leave the leaves there, to compost in place for the trees, but we've got 90% conifers, so I really don't know.)

    Do tell . . . :o)

  13. hiya , i am loving your blog and all your trifty ideas , about one of your earlier posts i would take the wondows over the flowers any day but OMG i love this frame it is GORGEOUS and way better to have all that bling on show rather than hiding away in a jar x tfs

  14. I didn't know you had a tire swing. I'm sure your kids love it. That's neat how you glued all the vintage clips to it. Two dollars for that frame is a great deal.

    -Zane of ontario honey
