
Monday, February 28, 2011

Reupholstered wing chairs

WOW WOW WOW is all I can say to this project I decided to take on. The other day I did a post showing my outdated wing chairs that I was going to reupholster. You can read about that HERE. I had said that reupholstering is not my forte, but I was going to take the project on anyway to save money. Here is the before of one of the very outdated plaid chairs.

I purchased 3 6x9 drop cloths for a total of $30. This was one heck of a project that I probably won't be repeating in the near future. I honestly don't even know if I could give a tutorial on what I did, because I just went with the flow. I used Randy's nail gun, but if you don't have one, you can just use a staple gun. I literally just cut pieces out like a puzzle and went section by section. When I was done, I used my glue gun to put trim over all the nail heads in the fabric....Here are the finished products:

I added the PILLOWS I posted about the other day.

I am hoping to have the reveal of the entire room by the end of the week....

I am linking to THESE parties.


  1. They look great Lisa! I too wish I was a professional sewer! You did an awesome job!

  2. You are amazing! The chairs look wonderful!

  3. AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Great job, they look SO good!

  4. Came over from Tracy's. Unbelievable job on the chairs. It is hard to believe reupholstering is NOT your forte! Good job!

  5. Beautiful job! You are amazing to have done this project if you say upholstering isn't your forte! They look GREAT!

  6. are you KIDDING ME!?
    these are AMAZING!!! I wish I had the patience for this. Man, do I ever!

  7. they look wonderful, lisa! they were worth all the work and cussing! :)

  8. Are you SURE you haven't done this before????They came out fabulous!!!!!!!!! I knew you would be able to do it. Good for you. Now the sky is the limit. What's next?
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  9. They look great! I can't wait to see the rest of the room!

  10. Awesome job!!! I can't believe you've never done this before! They are beautiful.

  11. Lisa,

    I think I need to send "you" a plane ticket, haha! These look so good! I'm not worthy :) The nail gun idea scares me a little. I'd probably hurt myself so I'd stick with a staple gun. Wow, I'm inspired! Can't wait to see the entire room put together. xx

  12. Almost makes me think I could do something like that until reality hits. HA!! They look great, Miss Martha Stewart:)

  13. Your wing chairs look AMAZING! It looks like it would have been a lot of work but oh so worth the effort ... don't you think? Do you love them? Can't wait to see the full room reveal!

  14. Hey, they look great! They really change the whole look of the room and saved you a bundle. I'd never be brave enough to try it. Looking forward to seeing the whole room.

  15. These turned out awesome!!! I've never tried to upholster anything besides a seat or bench cushion/cover - I just think it's out of my league. You give me hope though!

  16. Hey Lisa...I think I found you on Tracy's Trinket and Treasures blog roll...I've been a lot of places today! I am A-MAZED at these chairs. You did an excellent job especially if you've never done anything like this before. Well done! Come visit my blog if you have time. Nice to meet you! ~Ann

  17. I don't know if you can count this as one of your weaknesses anymore. These turned out great! To bad you can't really give a tutorial, I would love to know how you did it since I don't have a clue!

  18. They look MAAAHVELOUS darling! Very updated. Love the colour of the pillows too. It all coordinates very nicely with the armoire. Well done!

  19. Wow girl you did a great job with these. Love the end result and wow on the $30 for the project.


  20. That was a big job! Be proud!..They look beautiful!

  21. They look great. How are they holding up?
    Very impressive!

  22. Great job those are not the easiest chairs to reupholster.

  23. Lisa, what a neat job you did. I now love these chairs.

  24. Golly, you've been a busy girl! I came over to this post via Restored It Wednesday and this is the third blog post of yours that I've read in two days! The chairs look fantastic and I can't wait to see the room reveal. That massive wardrobe is ah-maz-ing!

  25. Chairs look amazing! You did a fabulous job :0)

  26. I love the pillows. Did you make the pillow cases yourself. If you didn't and you brought them. My mom wants to know where she can buy them. My mom really likes them too.

    -Zane of ontario honey
