
Sunday, April 10, 2011

vending at the Elephant's Trunk flea market...again

Hooray....another day of setting the alarm for 4 am. Things were a little more relaxed this week than they were getting ready for the flea last week. RJ, my oldest smartened up this week and decided to stay home, sleep in, watch TV, and eat junk food all day. The life of a teenager when they are home all day with out their parents. Reece and Sami joined me.

Last night Sami decided she wanted to try to make some money. She brought a ton of her Webkinz that she doesn't use any more and some miscellaneous. I was so proud of her. She made $39!! She was beyond excited....

Here is my area set up. I wasn't to happy with much of my stuff, but that is the whole point of the flea...getting rid of everything I really need to move out.

My friend Debra from Capers of the Vintage Vixens was there with her husband. She shops there just about every week. If you haven't seen her blog and love all things vintage, victorian, and romantic be sure to stop by her blog. You will love it!

Sorry I didn't take many more pictures. I always forget I have my camera when I am there.

Now for my finds.....I try very hard not to buy anything when I am vending. I want to go home with more money in my pocket and less to pack back into the car. But.....I couldn't pass up on what I saw today. There was a vendor selling frames of all sizes for $5. I got two and they were seriously HUGE and ornate.

I have a great project planned for one of them tomorrow. I hope to have it posted by tomorrow night.

Then there is the end of the day. Many vendors don't feel like taking all of their items home and they start piling their merchandise by the trash cans. I scored a couple of decent things. First are these drawers from an antique dresser. I will be sure to paint these right up to use as storage, shelving, or shadow boxes.

There were also two frames. One was plain and simple and the other had a print of Jesus and the Last Supper. Sorry Jesus, I don't think you are going to match the shabby chic color I plan on painting this. I will have to take the print out....

The day ended with some grocery shopping and unpacking the truck. To tired to cook, so frozen pizzas are in the oven. It will be an early night for all of us.

Last night to enter my Pinwheel Fair GIVEAWAY. Be sure to check it out. Karen's stuff is awesome!


  1. i hope it went well! those drawers are an awesome find! and yay for sami! that is awesome! :)

  2. Love those drawers and can't wait to see the frames done. Thanks for the shout out. I will be posting some of the great treasures I got from your booth!!!! Nice to see you all again and so happy to have met Sami. Good luck to her next week;) Have a great week:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. So ... the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Your daughter looks all ready to sell at her booth and she looks like a seasoned pro! So happy to hear she made some $$$$$ for her efforts. I hope the 4 a.m wakeup call was worth it for you!

  4. Glad it went well for you. You got some great finds there. I haven't made it to the flea Market here in a few weeks, gotta make time to go.

  5. Those drawers are amazing aren't they! I just scored some just like them, free is so great!

  6. Way to go Sami, Awesome!!!
    GREAT finds....especially those drawers. I'm lovin' those and all the frames too. Your space looks great, even with your cast-offs, ha ha! How is the make-up and jewelry selling? Just curious. ;)

  7. What a cutie patootie Sami is with her own booth, good for her. A future business woman in the making!!
    I have a weakness for frames, I too would've snatched them up, they're great!!

  8. When I was a teenager I was never into junk food. I think that's a good thing. At least Rj got to enjoy the morning cartoons. He still watches cartoons right?

    -Zane of ontario honey
