
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Country living DIY (do it yourself) shoveling

If you were as unfortunate lucky as us, you got 2 feet of snow throughout the middle of the night. Naturally school was canceled so the kids are home.

When I woke up this morning the snow was leaning against the glass front door as high as my knees. I opened the door so the cats could go out, but they weren't budging. Randy quickly shoveled the deck off. They ran out, then stopped short. They were not going to go any further than that.

Although I do promise to have a decorating post tonight (my bedroom reveal), I am going to have a DIY shoveling post in the meantime...LOL!! We have owned this house for almost 13 years and have shoveled through every snow storm. We do not hire a plow. I don't know if the reason is because we are to cheap, or we simply don't feel like throwing away $100 every time it snows. We don't own a snow blower because we don't have a garage to store one in. So, we do it the old fashioned way and use these thing called "shovels".

Our driveway is HUGE and twists and turns. We "try" or I should say I try to look at it in a positive way and look at is as the workout of the day! Here are some views. It's hard to tell in the photos that it's a driveway, but I promise, it is.

Here I am trying to go layer by layer. It is heavy and not fun!

Randy is down the driveway a bit accomplishing more than me. We are trying to get the crucial parts done first so we can get our cars out of here tomorrow.

At least Sami is enjoying it!

Despite the fact that I do not feel like going out and tackling more, I will admit, it is so gorgeous out there!

Like I said above, I am hoping to get my bedroom reveal posted in a couple of hours. Sorry to veer a bit from the theme of this blog, but as mentioned this was definitely a "do it yourself" project... :)

Take care,

P.S. I'll post some updated photos later of some of our accomplishment....


  1. Okay ... tonight at dinner I will be sharing this post with my hubby to show him he should not be complaining about shovelling our driveway! I CAN'T BELIEVE THE SIZE OF YOUR DRIVEWAY. Hey, I can understand not wanting to spend $100 bucks everytime it snows but a wise investment may be a snowblower! How long did it take you to shovel out today????? Good luck and don't forget to stretch your back before and after tackling this job!

  2. Now that is alot of snow. I don't know how you ever shoveled all that snow. It is pretty, hah.

  3. You are an inspiring woman, that is some kind of shovelin'! Makes me shoveling our weak 7" look like a baby. Good girl!

  4. Although I am sure it's super hard work, it really does look pretty! (not the shoveling of course, I mean the white snow, ha ha).

  5. Thanks for sharing your link! Wow, you weren't kidding! That's a lot of snow! I hope all goes well. I always worry about places that gets a lot of snow, because it has to go somewhere when it melts, which usually causes flooding in some areas. You must have gotten a big work out for 5 hours! Wow! I wish you and your family the best! :)

  6. That is amazing! Looks like a lot of hard work. I can't even imagine being a Florida girl. I must say that I'm jealous of snow days though. I would love to have my kids home and snuggle by the fire. Your property is beautiful!!
