
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Shabby chic table centerpiece.....

Have you ever gone to bed at night and not been able to fall asleep because you have decorating on the mind? Please tell me I am not the only wacko out there who does that! Last night I go down to bed and out of no where a project pops into my head....

Unfortunately, both of my Grandparent's passed away with in the past 2 1/2 years. It was about exactly a year ago that I went with my mother to their house to clean out the estate. So sad, but also so memorable. Of course I kept quite a few items and knew I'd eventually utilize every last one. My Grandmother had these 9 gorgeous mismatched china tea cups and saucers. Now to be honest, I am not the type to display something like this permanently in a hutch, so they have sat in storage until I could come up with the perfect plan...Well, that "perfect plan" popped into my head last night when I should have been sleeping.

This morning I cut a vintage cedar board to the size I needed...

I painted it a slate gray, distressed it, and added 4 wooden knobs to the bottom of each corner with gorilla glue....I also painted and distressed the knobs the same color as the board.

I got my good ol' very strong Loctite epoxy glue....

I glued each saucer along the length of the board staggering each one. I added some tea lights. Not only do I have a unique tablescape, but I have a VERY memorable one....

Honestly, the pictures do not begin to give this justice. My camera wouldn't pick up on the effect with the candles lit and the lights out. The feeling I had when I lit these was overwhelming. It was so serene.

This summer, I will add some water and beautiful flowers from the garden....

Thanks for stopping by....

Take care,

Linking here:

Bella Before and After
Restore Interiors


  1. What a beautiful and unique idea! I love it!

  2. Hi Lisa ... what a pretty and unique way to display teacups and saucers. These can be picked up for less than a dollar at yard sales and the end result is so beautiful! Very 'shabby chic' and would look so fab on my dining room table! YOU'RE BACK!!!!! (But were never really gone).

  3. Hi Lisa, Oh my goodness- just red Lisa's post about your blog being gone!! Glad I found you again and I will post a link to your new spot to let everyone know where you are now- I have to go back up my blog,too! Love the centerpiece - it's beautiful! Following you along again! :)

  4. yay.. i am glad you linked this. I read about it yesterday and thought it was a fabulous idea! I like this so much better than sitting in a cabinet gathering dust. Precious!

  5. It's lovely! I adore tea cups, in fact, I collect them! And candles are always wonderful (: (Try taking the picture with no flash and a dim light on may showcase the effect better)

    I love the idea of adding fresh flowers, too!

  6. My Grandma had teacups too! Great idea!

    Wax tip - did you know if you put the teacups in the freezer the wax will pop right off!

  7. Love your centerpiece - so unique and special. Thanks so much for stopping by and have a Happy New Year!

  8. Love this idea!! I have tea cups and saucers and they just set in the china cabinet collecting I know what to do with them!! Thanks!

  9. Such a lovely tribute to Grandma and her teacups. I can imagine how beautiful they look with the glow of the candlelight coming from within. I think I'll break out some of my vintage teacups from the garage and scatter them throughout the house with tealights in them. Thanks for the great idea!

  10. Really love how you took things so ordinary and made them have different uses. Love Love Love it. Keep up the good ideas.

  11. With decorating you always wonder how it will turn out in the end. You think it will look this way but you never really know until you do it. That's probably why you lie in bed and when you can't sleep you think of new ideas. This is because the curiosity drives you.

    -Zane of ontario honey
