
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Where have I been......

Hey everyone....

I got a few emails from some of you wondering where I have been...First, thanks so much to those wonderful girls for asking =)

Many of you may have heard that we got hit by a huge snow storm here in CT on October 29th. The snow was so heavy that power lines and huge trees were down everywhere. You couldn't even get through main roads. It was devastating. Personally I didn't have power for 9 days. Halloween was even cancelled. Can you believe that!!

I haven't been blogging because I am still trying to clean up my darn yard. I live in the middle of the woods and the yard was unrecognizable. Plus, something is up with my camera SD card and a new one isn't in the budget...LOL!

I will be back! You can't get rid of me that easily. Hope everyone has a good weekend.


  1. Oh, wow, Lisa! I've been thinking about you...but totally forgot you lived out there and could've been in the middle of that snow storm! Glad to hear you're alright, but sorry about your yard! Hope the kids are helping! :)

  2. HI Lisa, I wasn't sure who was affected but I knew several gals would be. So glad though that you are ok! Cheer up, you will get things back in order at some point. Safety, that you are safe is the most important.
    Have a blessed weekend.

  3. SO happy to hear that all is well. YIKES! 9 days is WAY too long and the whole "no Halloween" thing is just nutty!
    xo -Ali

  4. I'm so sorry to hear that you had no power for 9 days! That is terrible! I have missed seeing your posts so hope your camera is up and running soon and that you can get to stay inside for a change! You can use the broken boughs for your Christmas greenery decorating.
    Take care! Blessings, Pamela

  5. Weather is CRAZY!!! Glad you're hanging in there and hope you're staying warm! :)

  6. Glad to hear from you! Miss your posts! Take care!

  7. so glad you are ok and alive! :) miss you!

  8. Glad to hear you're okay, Lisa! Earlier today, before you posted, I looked on my sidebar where I keep a list of my favorite blogs and noticed it'd been 2 weeks since your last post. I definitely wondered if you were okay since you usually post regularly (unlike me most of the time--LOL!) Can't imagine how much work you've had to do--take care and we'll be here when life is a little less hectic!


  9. I went and checked on you and was wondering where you were. Glad all is well although sounds like you have alot of work ahead!

  10. What a mess in Ct. I'm glad that it is over for most everyone I know. I hope your clean up goes well. I missed you.

  11. Halloween???!! That just stinks! Glad you are doing well! I remember how much work you put into your yard~ I hope it's not too big a mess! :)

  12. I came over to CHECK on you and here I have an update without even having to ask.


  13. I LOVE this...I just bought one almost just like this for $5 from a friend that was throwing it in the trash...score on my part!! I re-purpose vintage items to very cute shabby chic designs for my little shop, Vintage Momma! Thanks for sharing...I am a new follower!!

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