
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

AMAZING friends

To be completely honest, at the end of last year when I first started blogging, I had no idea what a blog even was. I quickly picked up on it and have enjoyed every minute. Another thing I didn't know was that you will meet some of the best friends you will ever make in a lifetime.

Recently I have had a few things going on around here that have been preventing me from blogging as much as I'd like to. I got some emails from some close friends asking where the heck I have been. I let them know I had some other priorites to take care of and they have been so understanding and have been checking in on me. Recently I received a wonderful surprise from 3 of those people. The other day I received the most sincere gift from them. You know all of them as Ali from My Third True Love, Cassie from Primitive & Proper, and Andi from Jane of All Crafts.

Each gift reflected each of their own personalities, and if you know any of them, you will know exactly what came from each of them.

If you are wondering what the 80's spin ride is, it is a mix of 80's songs Cassie uses when teaching her spin classes. Yes, we are both cheesy and love 80's music.....

Thanks girls! You are truly amazing!


  1. Hello my friend--I have of course, missed you (via your blog) but assumed that with your family, home, and new blog venture you were taking a break to take care of other things. I hope you are well and am so glad you have such good friends. These blog friendship/connections/relationships really are wonderful.

  2. How sweet! I'm glad you're back. You've been missed!

    Take care,

  3. i am so glad it arrived safely! we were so excited for you to get our little surprise. we just wanted to make you smile and know you are loved. :)

  4. Hope things are going okay for you Lisa! Wishing you the best!

  5. Welcome back. Hope all is well. and cheesy 80's music is great especially on long car rides. ;-)

  6. Yay!!! I'm so glad it all got there safely and that you loved it! I too am an 80's fan! Ha ha! These friendships we have made are amazing and we are lucky we found each other :)

  7. Glad to see a post from you! I hope all is well. Love the gifts! My 20 year old son likes 80's music. He actually has quite eclectic taste in comes to music.

    ~ Tracy

  8. I'm so sorry I am late on commenting. I am so behind on all my favorite blogs!! I'm so happy you enjoyed the package!! Thanks for your friendship as well. Hugs! And the 80s rule!!!!!!!!
