
Saturday, July 30, 2011

The hutch from the dump

A few days ago I shared the treasures with you that I got for free at the dump. You can see that post HERE.

So, the hutch had a broken door and the upper backside had to be pulled out. It was pretty stinky and moldy, so there was definitely some heavy duty scrubbing involved.

Here is a remeinder of what it looked like before:

And then of course, there is always the after....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I LOVE the dump

The other day I had to go to the dump. Who would have thought I would come home with so many treaures. First, when I pulled up, there was a pick up truck loaded with furniture. The majority was wet and moldy looking, but I did spot a couple of things. I asked them if I could have them, and was pleased when the answer was yes.

This will need a bit of work, but for free, who's complaning!!

There was also this totally awesome rusted shabby chic plant stand.

This lonely little chair was hanging off to the side....

The girl who runs the dump knows that I LOVE junk and to paint furniture. She told me she had put a window aside for another girl, but said "first come first serve", and that if I wanted it I could have it. Here is what she showed me...

You can imageine I accepted this ever so graciously!

Now to tackle everything!

Have a great day!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A unique and eclectic door

A few days ago I shared a few pictures of a door I found on the side of the road for FREE! Here is a recap of the photos:

Of course I knew I wanted to paint the door, but I also knew I wanted to add a little extra "oomph"! Therefore, I opted to paint a quote on it. I decided to use a Pottery Barn inspired quote I used on a sign I did back in January....

I am in love with the outcome of this piece for several reasons. One being that it is one of a kind. The second is that it can be used in several differnt ways. Of course it can be used for its intended use as a door. I can totally picute it in a boutique as a fitting room door with a cute curtain hanging over the backside of the window. Or, it would make a HUGE statement on a large wall as art.

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I love "FREE"

This morning I was driving somewhere and as I was passing by I spotted this wonderful object with a beautiful sign on it saying "FREE". Although it was written on a paper plate, this did not matter to me at all!

The only problem was that I really had to get to where I was going, so unfortunately I had to keep on driving right past this treasure. All I could do was hope that it would still be there on my way home.

As I was driving home approaching the curve where this beautiful item was, I slowed down and crossed my fingers that it was still there....It was!! Yippee!!

I can't believe this gorgeous door is all mine! Vintage knob and all. I have a great project planned for it. I can't wait to tackle it and share it with you.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sounds Like Rain Photography

I know it is rare, but have you ever seen a photo that you feel you can actually reach out and touch or smell? Whether you have or haven't, I am so pleased to introduce you to my newest sponsor, Kay, from Sounds Like Rain.

Hiya! I’m Kay, a self taught photographer based in Somerset, England. I’ve always had a love of art, studying the subject from GCSE to A Level, finishing with an Art foundation course. In 2005 I discovered my love for photography by a friend persuading me to purchase a cheap digital camera for fun and by 2006 I had bought myself my first digital slr. I still use my Nikon D50 now along side a Nikkor 18-55mm, 50mm f/1.8D lens, reverse lens ring and a set of macro filters.

My online alias “soundslikerain” was born after ditching a string of unimaginative ideas for a username for my favourite art website deviantart. It very nearly was “lookslikerain” but that was already taken!
It seemed to stick and follow me around most websites that I signed up to so it seemed fitting that I should use it as a business name.

I am beyond amazed with the quality of Kay's photos and prints. Here is a sneak peek of a few.

Not only can Kay's photos be viewed and purchased from her Etsy shop Sounds Like Rain, but she also has a FACEBOOK account, along with a stunning WEBSITE, and BLOG.

I would love for you to take the time to get to know her.  She is an astonishing photographer.

Hope everyone had an amazing weekend.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Bubble gum pink shabby chic dresser

I found the coolest piece at the Salvation Army yesterday. Although the bones were great, it was a little to dark and dreary for my taste.

I decided to go with a bubble gum pink to give it some character and whimsy.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous here in Connecticut.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Driftwood candelabra

Sami found me the coolest piece of driftwood on the beach in Nantucket. We brought it home and let it dry out.

5 holes and taper candles from the Dollar Store and.....Voila!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Inexpensive wall art that smells oh so good!

This project I am going to share today is sooo easy and inexpensive. I started with this piece of snow board fencing from Nantucket.

Using some lavender from a friend's garden and some organza ribbon I had laying around, I came up with this:

Fun! Whimsical! And the best part.....FREE!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

AMAZING friends

To be completely honest, at the end of last year when I first started blogging, I had no idea what a blog even was. I quickly picked up on it and have enjoyed every minute. Another thing I didn't know was that you will meet some of the best friends you will ever make in a lifetime.

Recently I have had a few things going on around here that have been preventing me from blogging as much as I'd like to. I got some emails from some close friends asking where the heck I have been. I let them know I had some other priorites to take care of and they have been so understanding and have been checking in on me. Recently I received a wonderful surprise from 3 of those people. The other day I received the most sincere gift from them. You know all of them as Ali from My Third True Love, Cassie from Primitive & Proper, and Andi from Jane of All Crafts.

Each gift reflected each of their own personalities, and if you know any of them, you will know exactly what came from each of them.

If you are wondering what the 80's spin ride is, it is a mix of 80's songs Cassie uses when teaching her spin classes. Yes, we are both cheesy and love 80's music.....

Thanks girls! You are truly amazing!