
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A teen boys gallery wall

Right before Christmas we completed the renovation of our 15 year old son RJ's room.

You can see the renovation from beginning to end HERE.

He totally loves it and being a teen, definitely spends time in there. The one and only problem is all of the wall space. The ceilings are 11 ft high, so there is plenty of empty space. It could cost a small fortune to decorate in here. Recently we thought of a solution though....A few years back RJ started drawing on his own. He inherited my aunt and uncles talent of becoming a natural born artist. Trust me, he did not get this from Randy or myself. Anyway, he has been saving his drawings and I came across a few free frames the other day. I decided we could start a gallery wall to fill the space. We only have a small section done, but I will continue to look for thrift store or tag sale frames, and shortly, RJ will have an awesome gallery wall.

Can you tell who all of the drawings are of?

On another note, have you linked your POLKA DOT projects up yet?


  1. family guy and michael jackson...haha! Awesome!! he obviously got your creativity and artistic just use yours in a different way!

  2. aw, i should have known andi would beat me to the punch!!! chris loves family guy and i have to admit laughing hysterically at it! and i have to second her second point as well! :)

  3. AWESOME!!!! Those drawings are amazing! It will be fun to see the progression of his art as time goes on and you find more frames :)

  4. Wonderful idea! He's talented---keep us posted on his work and his gallery wall please.

  5. Wow...he's really good! It looks great, too!

  6. Check out the latest Issue of Vanity Teen Magazine @ Other Edition Newsstand for iPads, MAC and PC's.Teté Almeida interviews photographer Joe Lally. Download it now Vanity Teen Magazine.

  7. Ha ha ha a! I love Peta Griffin! So cute! Who wouldn't want him on their wall?

  8. Wow! He is so talented! I love the idea of using his drawings, as they are so well done!

    I've been here reading for the past week or so, but unable to leave comments. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Blogger has fixed it! :)

    Have a great day.

  9. My sons like that show too...being our last name is Griffin they have teased me with the ma,mama, mom,mum,mummy, mommy, ma, ma,mama,mooooa, MOM. !

  10. I love how you put his drawers in glass frames. he's quite a great artist. he should go to art school.

    -Zane of ontario honey
