
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Did I really meet Fifi O'Neill?

I have some exciting news to share regarding my friend Debra from Capers of the Vintage Vixens. The fabulous Fifi O"Neill from Chez Fifi traveled to Debra's small town Connecticut home to shoot photos for her upcoming book and magazine. I was so excited when Debra asked me to come over to meet Fifi and her photographer Mark.

Here is Fifi climbing some furniture arranging vignettes for the shoot.

The next photo is of Debra with Fifi and Mark.

Although I am not one to jump at the chance of being in photos, I was not turning this one down...This is me with Fifi and Mark....

Fifi and Mark were so nice and it was such a pleasure to meet them. I am so happy for Debra that her home was chosen for such an opportunity. She beyond deserved it. Go to Debra's blog to see more photos and to read more about her exciting day.

Thanks for including me Debra. You know I had a blast!


  1. I just saw Debra's post!!
    I am SO jealous!!!!
    I love the picture of you guys!!!

  2. Love the pictures! Can't wait to see the article!

  3. See I told you that you came out gorgeous in the photo:) I am so happy that you came over and shared in the excitement with me. It was a great day!
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  4. Thrilled for you. I hope one of your signs shows up in the book. You are so cute! :)

  5. That is so cool! What a cutie you are! :)

  6. You look SO pretty in that pic. Awesome!

  7. ditto! you should be in pics more often! and way cool that you had the opportunity to meet her!

  8. You don't like to be in photos? You are beautiful!

    : )

    Julie M.

  9. I'm in love with Debra's blog. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

    -Zane of ontario honey
