
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Giving my wicker a facelift and making water proof pillows....

I've been working so hard around the yard lately that I haven't cleaned up my decks yet. Most of it is such an easy fix, that I decided to tackle a portion of my front deck today.

My two wicker chairs were fading and the paint was peeling. In addition, the pillows were pretty dirty and musty on the outside. If you are anything like me, you do not bring pillows or cushions in every time it rains. Although our deck has a roof, they are still affected by the elements of the weather.

My quick fix was one can of 99 cent Wal-Mart black spray paint and a $4.99 vinyl table cloth from TJ MAAX (only $4.99 and I still have half of it left for a future project).

Because I was only touching the chairs up, it only took about 5 minutes to spray them. I recovered the pillows with the material from the table cloth. That took me about a half hour, but if you can actually sew, I'm sure it can be done quicker.

I'll be sure to share the rest of the deck when it is done.


  1. SO pretty! Great idea to use the table cloth - genius really!

  2. It looks so nice and fresh Lisa! I love the pattern on the table cloth. Very pretty!


  3. Looks so pretty. I still have to paint my deck floor once we get some more nice weather. I love the idea of using a tablecloth for the seating. How smart are you?:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  4. Very clever and cute! They should last through summer. I bet they won't fade as much, either. Looks like a great place to relax.
    ~Michelle :)

  5. Brilliant idea to use the tablecloth---I might have to steal it. (The idea not the tablecloth).

  6. very cute there Lisa, very cute.
    Gone to the ReStore place lately?

  7. Love the tablecloth fun and how weather friendly! Tiff

  8. wow what a difference 5 dollars can make! Looks great Lisa!

  9. your chairs, especially those cushions look lovely. The turq vase on the table really pops the look. May I come visit?

  10. @Judy

    Come on over Judy....Anyone is welcome anytime!

    Take care,

  11. Chairs look like new and I like the fabric. I'm refinishing mine right now and it is a process

  12. Such a little change looks completely different. The tablecloth pattern really freshened it up! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Holy Canoli! That a difference. They look amazing! Love the fabric choice. The blue is perfect! You are very talented!

  14. those look great!!! love the colors- great idea to use the tablecloth!!!

  15. Very clever. I love it!

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