
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fresh Vegetables sign, slate patio, and planter containers

Sorry I haven't been around much this weekend. I have been working on my yard like crazy. This is the problem child I am tackling right now...

Yes, we all know I love all things distressed, but even those red chairs are to weathered for me. They will be getting a new paint job. I am weeding, removing all of the overgrown trees and fixing up the slate patio tiles. I will show the reveal hopefully in a couple of days. We are getting a lot of rain here in CT.

I did manage to squeak out a sign.

I have not had many photos sent to me of the unique garden containers. You can read about that HERE. Would LOVE for you to share yours!

Also, don't forget to enter my awesome Etsy seller GIVEAWAY that ends tomorrow.


  1. I love those chairs ..and look forward to the after shot! I've been painting birdies again in my studio...we are soggy here in Cincinnati, Ohio too!

  2. Great sign!!! Cna't wait to see the garden when it's all spiffy. Unfortunately, I have no unique plater pictures to share...not much of a green thumb and pretty much just stick to pots (& at the moment, I only have one plant to speak of, ha ha).

  3. Love those chairs and the patio. Can't see what you come up with:) We are supposed to have rain ALL WEEK!!! I'll never get my deck painted.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  4. i love that sign- the colors are so great!!

  5. I love this! I'd like to invite you to post it on Masterpiece Monday at Boogieboard Cottage. The link will be up all week, I hope you can join in. Have a nice week, Mary :O)
