
Friday, April 8, 2011

Sami's room day 3...her newly painted armoire

I am trucking right along with Sami's room. I know, many think I am crazy for re-doing it, but when I am not happy with something it has got to change. Plus I am doing it for pretty much no cost. I may actually even come out ahead after I sell the old items in her room we are no longer using.

It all started with this bedding from Amy Butler as my inspiration:

I showed the desk the other day I got at Goodwill for $5. I painted with oops paint I already had. Only using about a 1/4 of the can, thus costing me about 25 cents to paint.

Yesterday I shared the lamp re-do with the naked lamp shade....

Now finally onto today's post. Yesterday I tackled her armorie. Although I already loved it the way it was, the color needed to change to go with the new decor. Here is the before:

For the new color I used the OOPS color I used for the desk. Hence, only using a quarter of the can costing me 25 cents. I used old knobs from Anthropologie. The lighting in this room is so bad for picture taking, so I had to use my flash. The color in the pictures are a little off. It's more of a coral like the bedding.

Don't pay attention to the hot pink walls in the background. Those are changing today!

Be sure to check out my GIVEAWAY from Pinwheel Fair.

Linking to THESE parties.....


  1. So cute! I can't believe how quickly you get projects done. Great color and great new knobs too!

    Have a great day.

  2. Wow Lisa, Sami has the coolest room in town:) Very chic and girly. Love it! Maybe I'll see you on Sunday.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. LOVE, love, love it! Somehow I missed the desk, but the armorie and the desk are awesome in pink! The knobs are fab, too!

  4. If I wasn't happy, I'd change the room too (just not as quickly as you)!!!!! Love the oops paint colour! Can't wait to see this entire room done!

  5. Now I understand........I am lovin those sheets!!!

  6. So girly with the princess touches. You are non-stop!

  7. I just saw a really cute duvet set by Amy for welspun at the pink...Simply Creations Link Party

  8. I love all the little details! It turned out really cute!

  9. it looks awesome! and i can't wait to see the new wall color! i figured it was changing. :)
    got your email this morning- was crazy getting ready for emmy's school yard sale that ended up getting postponed due to rain. oh well. at least i will be ready next week!

  10. Too Cute... Lizard is painting her room pepto bismol pink at the moment.

  11. Love it! i am a sucker for hot pink on anything, and the armoire is amazing!

  12. Love it so happy to find a NE that loves pink and chic..inspiring blog too

  13. Love Love Love! Pink is the bomb!

  14. I love the new color. Pink really goes well for a cabinet in a girl's room. I love the new handles you put in too. They look like knots that a princess would have in her cabinet. I love the final touch of the princess crowns.

    -Zane of ontario honey
