
Thursday, April 21, 2011

My family room reveal...finally!

I know, I have been promising this reveal for months. I have shown bits and pieces here and there as I have done projects, but I have never shown the entire room put together. The reason I have been putting it off is because it still isn't done. I still need a new area rug and I am looking for some pieces of furniture to put under the mirrors on the brick wall. But I finally decided that if I wait any longer to post this, the room will be completely different by then... :)

So, with out further adieu, my family room....


  1. It's BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!And huge too. lol I wanted to wish you and your family a Happy Easter. I will talk to you soon....promise:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. What a beautiful room! I can't believe how big it is too!

    I love seeing so many of your creative projects in these pictures.

    You are very talented!

    Happy Easter!

  3. wow lisa, that room is amazing!! you should have cassie and i over for dinner so we can lounge around = ) im jealous of all the seating in there!!

  4. Love the shutters shelf high on wall. The whole room looks so comfortable and friendly. Love the curtains. Love the paint.
    - Joy

  5. Wow! That looks fabulous.You've been busy, that room is huge!What a neat sign over the armoire.

  6. ok, so tomorrow is friday, so i am picking up emily at 10 and we will see you later. :) oh how i wish! it looks awesome!!! that white armoire to me is the major show-stopping jaw-dropping piece. i love it!

  7. Oh, Lisa, it's LOVELY! Do you just sit there and stare at all the beauty? It's truly a wonderful room and I can see your hand in each and every piece! I love it.

  8. IT IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I love everything!

  9. WOW! lisa that gorgeous and HUGE!
    This is a very inviting room.

  10. what about me? can I come?? :-) Love it all! The little chair by the blue armoire is gorg!

  11. Lisa this is so pretty, I can only imagine what the view looks like outside of those windows! Great job!

  12. What a fantastic airy space! Just beautiful!

  13. What an amzing room Liza! Love your leather couches, it's all great! I'm your latest follower, hope you come by and follow too, pretty girl.
    Have a happy and blessed Easter.

  14. Gorgeous! Love everything that you did. Right down to the wall color.

  15. This is such a big, bright airy room unto itself, but with your loving touch, it is so charming and inviting! Love the shade of blue you used throughout. Well done!

  16. Thats a beautiful space! So airy and open. Love your high ceiling and windows. Well done!!

  17. Looks so wonderful Lisa!
    Going back to take in all the details again!

  18. Your living room is gorgeous! Great redo!

  19. Lisa--it is stunning. You've outdone yourself here. I'm crazy about the 2 big armoires, and love the sleek black sofas and the way the room is full of beautiful things, but is calming and not too busy. Very French Country, very you, and a real showcase of your talent.

  20. Your room is absolutely beautiful Lisa!! Love the fireplace, and the armoire, and the sign on the wall, and... it's all beautiful! Thanks for sharing at FNF~ Have a wonderful weekend! :)

  21. I really like your living room. I love that sign that says "keep a green tree in your heart". It's so cute.

    -Zane of ontario honey
