
Sunday, March 27, 2011

What I painted today and thrift store finds....

Wish I had more to share today, but didn't get much accomplished. I did get an amazing silver bowl, candlestick, cloche, and wood platter the other day. I painted them up and am now using them both as serving pieces. Can't believe I forgot to take the before photos, so unfortunately I can only share the afters....

I did get the chance to go to Goodwill today. I was on the hunt for furniture but had no luck. I got some miscellaneous.

This lamp needs a paint job and clearly something has to be done about the shade.

I always love finding wood candlestick holders and salt and pepper shakers. The transformation of these are usually night and day.

I'm psyched about this wood pedestal bowl. It came with the dust, goop, and all.

Typical wood shelf.....

A frame that will look awesome painted a bright color with some chicken wire added to the back.

A wooden hanging rack that will work great for display at the flea market. I think I will go with a bright color on this too.

And my best $1 find of the day was this hanging three tier rusted wire basket. This will stay as is....

I'll be sure to share the transformations with you tomorrow night.


  1. Oooooh, great finds!! I'm jealous, it's been over a week since I went thrifting last. I'm starting to get a weird twitch ;)

  2. Nice finds Lisa! The bowl is so pretty! I'm sure the other stuff will be amazing looking once you put your touches on them!

    Have a great night!

  3. That green bowl is so pretty, and I love the idea of putting chicken wire on the back of a frame. Do you use it to hang earrings and stuff?

  4. I love the wood candlestick! I'm going to be on the lookout for those from now on!

  5. everything looks great, and you scored some great finds! you know what really looks great- the blackberries. yum! i bought some the other day, too and like to eat them with vanilla yogurt. :)

  6. I'd love to see the paint job you do to the salt and pepper shakers. That would be interesting.

    -Zane of ontario honey
