
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Table made from scraps and a teeny tiny bit of yard work~

A few years back Randy found this really cheap thing for me at Goodwill. We had no idea what it was, but he knew it was funky and possibly something I'd want. (If you know what it is, please do tell!) I figured I'd paint it up one day and use it for display at a craft fair or the flea market. It has sat in the shed and I was putting off the painting of it......

Then a light bulb went off today. I was going to cut the base off and use it for a side table. Randy had all of his saws at work with him today, so I had to compromise and use a rusted hand saw to cut the top off. It worked though.

To make the table top, I used some pieces from the bench top I found out at the shed the other day.

I cut the boards to the sizes I wanted with the chop saw. I secured them together with two scrap pieces of wood. I screwed them on, but also used Gorilla Glue for extra security.

I secured the top to the base with screws and more Gorilla Glue. I painted the base gray and distressed it. I left the top as is and just put a coat of polyurethane on it to enhance the worn wood.

As far as my 5th day of yard work, I didn't get much done today because of the rain we got. But when it slowed down, I did pick up and dump two wheelbarrows worth of sticks. So stick with me, and finish out this week getting some outside work done if you are able to.

My CSN GIVEAWAY ends tomorrow night.
Be sure to check out my 9th ETSY seller GIVEAWAY from Pip and Pomp

Linking to THESE parties...


  1. Lisa,
    I am so amazed at how many projects you complete each week! The table is so cute!

    We had 50mph winds, now rain, so no yard work for me today. Good for you to get out there!

    Have a great day.

  2. Wow, that is just the cutest little table. What a great way to reuse old wood and a found mystery piece with a lovely base! Great job!

  3. Love the table and that little ottoman. I wonder if it was a sewing table and the spikes were for spools. That would make more sense if there was a solid space within them to put the pincushion etc. on, but I've seen some weird sewing tables in my travels.

  4. I would love to know what that 'thingie' was before you used your golden touch on it! Yes Lisa, that's you, the girl with the golden touch!

  5. the table looks fantastic! what a great idea!!! a nice way to reuse and recreate. :)

  6. Very clever! I love little projects as this one.

  7. wow what a transformation! And maybe it was a tie rack in it's former life?

  8. AWESOME! I love it. My vote is for tie rack or belt rack....something in a suit shop maybe?? Who knows!!!

  9. Love this little side table!! Great re-purpose! I think it might have been a tie rack.

  10. Cool project! I like the wood with the white base.

  11. I'm not sure, but I think its something for winding yarn after spinning.

  12. Very cute table! You'd be proud, I've kept two spider plants like the one in your pic alive so far :)

  13. I just love that you posted that today and I adore the table. This weekend I wanted to make a few baskets with some old crates and now I know even if I don't have the right tools I can do it. YEAH

  14. How creative. It looks like an antique piece that has been around for years. Wonderful job. ~~Sherry~~

  15. This is seriously fabulous! Love the top, awesome!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  16. LOVE the new table! I get excited when I see something totally reconstructed into a useful item.

  17. This little scrappy table is right up my alley--love it!

  18. Cute little table! I also love your spider plant! I have one too and its getting bigger but its no where near that big! i need to get it a bigger pot though

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I've seen aLOT of stuff out there, but man this is one of my favorites!! I found it on the link party at Beyond the Picket Fence. Your hubby sounds a little more into your addictions that mine, but he's slowly getting there!!! This might be an idea I'll be stealing!

  21. It looks really nice when it's all finished. I always wonder before see the last picture how it will look. It's like putting Lego together in your mind.

    -Zane of ontario honey
