
Thursday, March 10, 2011

A little bit of everything....

Good morning everyone. I'm pleased to say that Cheri at It's So Very Cheri (DIY Club gal) is doing a feature on me today. Thanks Cheri!

If you get the chance, I'd love for you to stop over there, check out the post, and say hi to Cheri.....

Be sure to enter my GIVEAWAY too!


  1. Hi Lisa! Your bedroom is a very pretty room! I hope you all are doing ok after the flood. I love the color you painted your room. Very cozy!

  2. Hi Lisa, She did a great job featuring your home. I tried to leave a comment, twice, but for some reason it wouldn't let me. Love that she featured you:)
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. Congrats on the feature! I'm going to hop on over and have a peek! Hope everything is drying up for you there!

  4. Hey Lisa,

    Congrats! I'll pop right on over to see your feature. I remember when I first saw your bed and bedding. Mmmmm beautiful!
    Hope all is well! xx ~Michelle

  5. Hi Lisa! I saw you over at Cheri's site and had to come say hello and let you know I love your design on a dime style. Your home is gorgeous and I look forward to seeing more.
