
Thursday, March 31, 2011

I LITERALLY found a buried treasure today....

We have lived in our house here in the woods for almost 13 years now. About 10 years ago, I remember RJ and Reece playing in the woods by our house in between our house and the neighbor. They were 3 and 5 at the time. RJ came running to me with a glass bottle he had found. I was so excited. It was a vintage piece.

Now, 10 years later.....I am out blowing leaves today. Since we are in the woods, and the leaves are never ending, each year I blow them back a bit further. I was in that area today that RJ and Reece were playing in 10 years ago. I suddenly felt crunching under my feet. I pulled the leaves away and found a very old bottle dump. There were hundreds!!! How could I not have known these were there all these years. Unfortunately, many were broken. I started separating the good from the bad. Here is a picture of all the broken ones.....

There were even these galvanized containers, but the bottoms were worn right out. Bummer!

I went back and forth filling bags and bringing them back up to the house. There are still a ton more to dig for, but I'm going to save that for another day. Here is what I gathered today.

Most of them are typical jars. Some of the lids say mayonnaise and another one say "10 cents" on it. I pulled a few out that were a little different and took some pics of them. I cleaned them the best I could for now. I have to get a wire brush to get at them better.

Small perfume bottle?

Ketchup bottles?

Vinegar bottles?

Cool texture on this one...

Liquor bottles?

Juice glasses

Syrup bottle?

Prescription bottle (says, "not to be refilled")

Other miscellaneous

I can't wait to get all of these cleaned up. I plan on having one heck of a vignette this spring filling all of these with fresh flowers.

On another note, I am excited to share that the HEADBOARD I posted about yesterday, sold in less than 24 hours on Craigslist. The girl who bought it said she has been typing in "queen headboard" everyday for a month. She was so excited when mine popped up for her yesterday. I didn't even get the chance to bring it to the flea market. Yay, one less thing to lug.....

Be sure to check out my Etsy seller GIVEAWAY...


  1. Wow, those are some great finds! Great minds think alot, I kept thinking flowers, flowers, so so pretty!

  2. WOW!!!! That's so awesome!!! That takes treasure hunting to a new level!

  3. Oh yeah, and congrats on selling that pretty headboard :)

  4. That is the most bizarre yet cool thing EVER! if anyone would find that and call it "treasure" it's you :) anyone else would hate to find it bc they'd have to clean it up!

  5. How cool ... buried treasures right on your own property! Who knows what else lurks beneath the earth. Congrats. on the headboard but I didn't think it would last, it was soooo pretty!

  6. How cool!!! I think the syrup bottle looks like a moonshine bottle haha!!
    I can't wait to see them all and filled with flowers! And congrats on selling the headboard so quickly!

  7. So cool to find those!!! Really cool!!! Doesn't it make you wonder why? and what else might be there? Our small backyard had this very large and long heap of earth going straight across it in the back when my husband bought the place. A few years after we were married our neighbor in the back was using a Bobcat to put in an addition. We asked if we could borrow it. The Bobcat dug up the heap! I could NOT believe my eyes! There was so much stuff, glass, wire, cans, including a kitchen sink!!! It was nothing we were interested in keeping...except the story! LOL!

    Can't wait to see your finds turn into lovelies in your home!


  8. What a great find!! I found a similiar dump this spring also..... most of mine were broken. I did find 3 cobalt blue jars!

  9. Marvelous find! Serendipity indeed. And I'm thrilled about the headboard. What a nice day for you! Hope you miss the snow tomorrow!

  10. How fun to find a bottle dump on your property. You will find lots of uses for some of them I'm sure. My brother in law found a dump near thier place with enamel ware and bottles. So much fun! I have found pieces of broken dishes where my garden is too. I should do some digging this spring to see what pops up! Have a great weekend. Pamela

  11. Wow Lisa!! That's an incredible haul! I bet you'll find a lot more interesting stuff in there. Isn't it funny that there are only glass pieces in there?

    Great job on the quick sale of the headboard. It was so cute, it's no surprise that it sold so quickly.

    Have a great weekend and happy digging!


  12. Isn't that funny that those bottles have been there all those years? The medicine amber colored ones sell really well! They are collectible. Very cool, Lisa!
    Congrats on selling your headboard, too!

  13. How cool! They will make for a wonderful display with flowers.

    I had (have?) a book about collecting old bottles. Back before indoor plumbing was common people used to dig a hole for their outhouses and they were used as trash disposals and that is why there are caches like this. When it was full they would dig a new hole, fill in the old one and move the outhouse. For serious bottle aficionados (a la American Pickers) it is almost like a sport to go hunting for them.

  14. Interesting explanation from Maureen! I'm glad this treasure was found by you, because you can see the value in it. Someone else without your keen eye may have just tossed the lot in the garbage!

  15. so cool! we found one on the farm too-what is it with people dumping bottles? i did get some great bottles from it and its suprisingly hard to clean all that dirt off!

  16. WOW Lisa, what a treasure to come across!!! These are fantastic, can't wait to see the vignette!!! Congrats on selling the headboard, it was a beautiful peice of art!!!!

  17. Treasure indeed. I love bottles especially the medicine ones that your not suppose to resale. Fun stuff.

  18. My husbands grandparent's have a huge old dump site on their property. It's a lot of fun because you never know what you will find. We try to go early spring before all of the poison ivy grows. Have fun, but be careful digging!

  19. i feel like busting out some pirate talk.

    aargh. shiver me timbers, lisa. that is some kind of booty. :)

  20. Lisa, Such great finds! I have a love for old bottles. I using mine long ago in my other married life for plant babies off my pothos and spider plants.

  21. Wow! I would love to find something like that around our house. I look forward to seeing how you use them!

  22. Wow! What a find. A true treasure. All those bottles. Truly seredipity :))

  23. How exciting! Great jars you dug up and I wonder what other treasures might be waiting.

  24. Great find!

    You should plant flowers in the metal tubs. Find a spot where you can leave them permanently, fill with good soil & plant a garden. I'd be more excited about the rusted tubs than the bottles!

  25. How awesome Lisa!!! I'd still find a way to keep those tubs!!!

  26. How fun!! A treasure trove indeed, I would be jumping up and down with delight if I found something like that!

  27. what a find!The juice glasses look like glasses that rooster snuff came in at that time,my Dad used that kind.

  28. Nice find, they are mainly just modern and worthless, but that's how I started off. If you dig deeper, you will probably get older ones, make sure it's you land though and if not GET PERMISSION!!! If not it gives us bottle diggers a bad reputation...

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I'd love to see the flowers in some of these especially the more unqiue bottles. The perfume bottle probably would look very cool holding flowers.

    -Zane of ontario honey
