
Monday, March 7, 2011

A flood :( and a wreath

I don't have anything to exciting to post today because I woke up to devastation in the middle of the night. I went to go to the bathroom and stepped in something wet. My immediate thought was that I had just stepped in dog pee. This actually shocked me because our dog never pees in the house. I was prepared to be grossed out and go wash my feet. I went to walk over to the light and realized I was still walking in puddles. Once I switched the light on I saw about 2 inches of water everywhere! I woke Randy up and walked around the entire downstairs. The flooding was in 3 bedrooms, a bathroom, hallway, and utility room.

When we got up at 6:00, we found out the kids had a delay because everything had frozen over. In the meantime we got started sucking the water up with the wet vac. We were still trying to figure out where the water was coming from. Randy then remembered that a while back we had a leak from our roof that ran down a pipe into our downstairs. So, he pulled out the ladder and went up on the roof. Lo and behold, there was a huge tree limb on the roof that had pierced a hole into the flat rubber roof.

The pictures I have aren't the greatest because it is hard to show water on my camera, but you can get the idea from some of these.

Then to top it off, our road and the surrounding roads are washing away. We are always the last on the list for any town maintenance. So to sum it up...this day has be a real crappy one.....

No, this is not a small creek, it is our road.

When I went to pick RJ up from practice we got to see some damage to the road right off of ours. Waterfalls were gushing down the mountain into the road. I will admit though, it was gorgeous.

The river right down the road was roaring. The kids told me that this morning on the way to school, the water was up to the bridge. By the time I took this picture late afternoon, it had lowered a bit. I couldn't believe there were actually waves! The second picture where you see the trees to the right is typically dry land.

Sorry if I have totally bored you with my drama for the day. I just wanted to have all of this recorded somewhere with a date on it. And of course I am looking for a wee tiny bit of sympathy too...LOL!!

So, on a positive note, I don't have much as far as DIY to share with you today because my priorities are obviously elsewhere. I had planned on showing you my entire mantle scape that I had planned on working on today. But, that won't be happening. I just have the wreath to share with you for now. I changed my winter wreath to my spring wreath although spring is still not here yet. I just can't wait any longer. Here is the old winter wreath:

And here is the spring transformation:

The green swag was on the winter wreath and I decided to leave it on. I purchased this at a home and garden shop that was going out of business. It was originally $34.99 but I got it for 70% off. It's something I can use anywhere anytime. I am not a fan of fake flowers, but was pleasantly surprised how well these look. Some of them are Dogwood. Believe it or not, I got these at The Dollar Store.

I guess I have to get back to reality now.


  1. oh lisa i am so sorry- that is even worse than i thought from your email. please let me know if i can do anything to help, or feel free to call me if you need to cry. i can email you my number- i mean it.
    the wreath looks adorable, and maybe it will help bring sunshine and better days.

  2. OMG Lisa, I'm so sorry! That has to be such a royal pain. I'm thinking of you and hope the insurance company gets back to you with good news very soon!

    Take care,

  3. Lisa, what a crummy way to start the week! I' can't imagine the amount of work it will take to get this cleaned up. I hope the insurance company is very nice to you, because Mother Nature sure wasn't!

    I just love the transformation on your wreath!

  4. I'm so sorry, Lisa. Our basement flooded last Monday. It's been a real pain, but we were fortunate not to lose anything of value. Our landlord didn't have flood insurance, but I heard a lady at the bank say that she has it and it looks like they may not pay for the damage at her house because the flood insurance is tied to a Federal program that's nearly out of money. I don't know how true that is, so I hope that's not the case for you.

  5. That flood is making things so tough. Fortunate (sort of) that you have a shop vac. And such a beautiful floor. I hope your insurance company supports this flood. I know I don't know you but I've had 3 floods and eventually you do get to the other side and get your life back to normal.
    - Joy

  6. I am so sorry! I had the main floor of my home flood last October. It is so devastating. For your sake, I hope the insurance company provides some coverage! Best wishes.

  7. yikes, so sorry to read this :-( take it easy. on the bright side i love your wreath : p

  8. I am so sorry. Floods are so awful. My hometown was under water over the week-end. My husband said where he had to go today for work was all flooded. But in your home it has to be so devastating. Is there anything we can do to help. Wish I was closer. (((((HUGS))))

  9. Oh Lisa, I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you. We woke up to a basement full of water after our sump had stopped..our furnace and hot water heater isn't working now :( thank goodness for the fireplace! I hope you are able to get everything taken care of with your insurance. Good luck! by the way..I love the wreath :)
    Hugs, Beth

  10. I am so sorry about all the flooding in your home! I know the feeling and we had to retile around the foundation to fix it and we use a sump pump that comes on automatically when the water saturates the ground. But, on your new floors - it's devastating! I hope it all works out with the insurance. Your spring wreath is very pretty - something to cheer you up :-) Blessings, Pamela

  11. You totally get the award for a "bad Monday"! Ugghh! I am so sorry you are dealing with this. I suspect it is going to be the trouble that keeps on going for bit as you find out what all has been damaged from the water. Hope your insurance company treats you well and pays quickly!

  12. OMG!!! Yes our state is drenched right now to say the least! I am so sorry this is happening to you :( The ride to work this morning was crazy, little streams I didn't even know existed were over flowing. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

  13. Oh no! That's terrible, I'm so sorry!! Hope it get's fixed soon, and that you get good news from the insurance company!

  14. So sorry to hear about the flood. Praying for you and hoping that everything works out!! Hilarious though that you still had a minute to post a wreath. Now, I couldn't do that in the middle of all that drama! It is pretty though!

  15. OH NO!!!!! That is SO awful, I'm so sorry to hear this! My fingers and toes will be crossed that you are covered by insurance. Hang in there!!! (& the wreath is beautiful).

  16. oh what a terrible wakeup call!!! I am so very sorry to hear about the flooding!!! I wish you lots of strength and patience through this crazy ordeal. Let your pretty spring wreath be a beacon of good things to come. Hang in there!

  17. I am truly sorry about this....I really do not even know what to say! I keep putting myself in your shoes and my heart aches, just thinking about! It will be O.K. eventually..hang in there!

  18. Oh no! I'm SO sorry for you guys!! I hope the insurance comes through and I love that you tried to see the beauty of the waterfalls even through the crap of the night and day!! Keep your chin up. You are getting my sympathy...and justly so!

  19. Oh that is too bad! You have my sympathy indeed! It's so frustrating to have just gone through the trouble of putting in new floors only to have to replace them. Hopefully your insurance will cover most of it. Worse things have happened!

  20. Oh Lisa!! I'm so sorry!! Of course you get some sympathy, and lots of it!! I hope insurance comes through for you guys and that there will be brighter days in the very near future. Sending prayers your way.

    Beautiful wreath!

  21. I am so sorry, Lisa. That is devastating, frustrating, aggravating!

  22. Lisa, like everyone else I am so sorry for how your day started out. I hope things get better for you soon. Sending out a (((((hug))))) and wishes for a better tomorrow.


  23. So so sorry! This is just terrible Lisa. Also sending prayers for strength and that your insurance will come through!

  24. I am so sorry to hear the the terrible news about your house! I do hope the insurance company comes through! Even with all of this you share with us your lovely spring wreath! You are amazing!

  25. Ohhh, Lisa, I am so sorry. This must be so stressful, especially with the new floors! I will be praying for you all.

  26. So very sorry Lisa! I can't imagine...praying for you that insurance will cover and get your home and roof in tip top condition. Your wreath is lovely, the dogwoods are such a sweet touch!

  27. I am so sorry about your home!! How aggravating!! The other photos are familiar to me.... I grew up in the Berkshires and our driveway was about 1/3 of a mile long going down the side of a mountain. It washed away when the snow melted too!

  28. I am so sorry and I will be praying that everything goes well. You are an amazing person! I am so impressed that you can still find the time to blog and include your beautiful wreath. Hope all turns out well.

  29. Lisa I am sorry this has happened to you!! Leave it to you to post about a wreath at the end! I'm sending positive vibes your way and hope all works out with the insurance company. Take care~

  30. I'm reading your posts in reverse obviously. That flooding is a pain! We're on day 2 of heavy rain right now and the dogs won't go outside! I hope the insurance works out.

  31. My DH just got done installing a pergo floor so I know what you're saying with the foam padding. I hope your insurance covers everything.
