
Monday, March 21, 2011

Decorating with either love it or hate it

I am assuming most of you know Cassie at Primitive and Proper. We met fairly early on when I started blogging and became instant friends. Over the past couple of weeks she has been hosting "The Colorful World Series", asking several different bloggers to post their takes on different colors. My color was orange. It's a color many love, but just as many aren't to fond of. Hopefully after reading the post, I will have all of you loving orange.

Here is a peek of what is over there....

So, be sure to go visit Primitive and Proper, read the rest of my post, say hi to Cassie and let me know your take on the color....


  1. Great post! I commented over there, but forgot to mention how much I love the orange sign that says orange!

  2. thank you so much for an awesome post! that first pic is my fave, too! soooo cute and clever!

  3. I love orange! I painted a wall orange six years ago and finally just said goodbye to it in January. (went with a slate blue instead) but my accents are orange!

  4. Loved your post over at Cassie's! Orange is awesome! :)

  5. Orange is such a great color because it's bright and happy. I think you picked a great color.

    -Zane of ontario honey
