
Friday, February 11, 2011

Eclectic chic painted eggs...

Before blogging, I never really thought about decorating for each and every holiday....I think some bloggers even decorate for flag day LOL!!....Anyway, I pretty much missed doing anything for Valentine's Day. It's actually Sami's birthday that day, so that pretty much takes precedence anyway. As far as Easter goes, I didn't plan on doing much, but I feel the need to do at least one thing to keep up just a wee little bit here in blogland....Plus, what I did I can sell on Etsy.

I took some cedar boards, traced a large egg pattern, and used my jigsaw to cut them out. Afterwards, I painted them, "decorated" them, then the final stage was to distress. They are actually pretty cute.....

If I can motivate, I think I'll make mini ones to put on my winter wreath. Right now I have metal snowmen and snowflakes.

Be sure to check out the fabulous very soft burlap pillow covers in my GIVEAWAY

And one last order of business :)
Kristin at My Uncommon Life Slice of Suburbia posted the sweetest feature about my blog today. Most of you probably know her, but if you don't, go say hello to her. You will fall in love with her and her blog.....


  1. how cute! love the pillow covers! came by from Kristin's!! have a great weekend! susan

  2. So happy to "meet" you! Coming over from My Uncommon Slice of Surburbia and so glad I did! I need to pull up a chair and go through your lovely posts!


  3. I ADORE these!
    Great. now i need a jigsaw!

  4. Love your Easter eggs. So pretty! -Debra xxx Capers of the vintage vixens

  5. those are adorable!!!! love the colors- and i especially love the striped ones!

  6. i love your eggs....but now i feel like i need to start easter stuff!! i knew it was coming one day soon, from one blog or another = )

  7. Oh my those eggs are adorable...great job...
    Have a Blessed day...

  8. Congrats on your feature! Well deserved!

    These are adorable. I like the worn and distressed look! Easter is one of my favorite holidays :)

    Have a great weekend, Lisa!

  9. What a great idea! I just bought 4 little oval plaques at Hobby Lobby the other day because they were on clearance for next to nothing and they each had two knobs on them. The price was a steal just for the knobs but, now I know a wonderful thing to do with the plaques too! I hope you don't mind?!
    Congrats on the feature too! Very well deserved!!

  10. LOVE the eggs! So cute!!


  11. Hi Lisa I just wanted to let you know I got my beautiful bracelet yesterday and I just posted about it on my blog...Thanks again...
    Have a Blessed day

  12. These are so cute and make me want spring to hurry up and get here even more. Thanks for all of the great projects you share.


  13. I think some people are going a little over the top when they decorate for flag day. I think it's important to decorate for birthdays and Christmas maybe even Easter. It's just that depending on your religion you could be decorating so much you'd be exhausted. Jewish people have many holidays. If they had to decorate for every holiday they probably would be very tired.

    -Zane of ontario honey
