
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Could this dresser be haunted?

I know that most of you have seen this dresser in the post about my bedroom makeover. But what I didn't mention was how much I payed for it. I walked into the Salvation Army and spotted it from 100 miles away. It was a dark wood and gorgeous, but I knew it would need a paint job. I was afraid to even look at the price because our SA prices things really high sometimes. I walked up to it and the tag said $11.99. Now I am telling myself there must be something wrong with it...I pulled out the drawers, made sure the back was intact, looking for cracks in the mirror, missing pulls....surely there must be something wrong for this price??? I was even thinking there must be a dead body in one of the drawers. I swear I continued to try to figure out the issue for another 5 minutes. I finally decided I couldn't find anything wrong and was going to buy it. Worse case, if there does end up being an issue, I'll just use it for parts....

Got it home, primed it and painted it a "eucalyptus"....Here it is still issue free???? Who knows, maybe it's haunted or something? How do you find a piece like this for $11.99?

My Etsy seller #2 giveaway ends tomorrow...Enter HERE

Linking HERE to these fabulous parties....


  1. Sometimes we are just very lucky. Probably some good deed coming back at perhaps. :)
    It is a absolutely gorgeous piece. I do anderstand very well you hesitation. Perhaps you got a luck bringing ghost in one of the drawers. :))

  2. Well, if it IS haunted, it must be a very pretty ghost! The dresser is now fit for a princess. LOVE IT (as usual).

  3. Well, first off, I'm glad you didn't find a body :) Second, I think the dresser was meant to go home with you so you could revive her! Beautiful piece!

  4. How do you?!? Sometimes the stars align and it was obviously meant to be! I LOVE the green!

  5. Love it! I have a very similar one I painted turquoise...think I paid $95!

  6. I love the eucalyptus color. Our Salvation Army has things priced all over the board. I think it just depends who is working that day as to whether something is $1.99 or $29.99.

  7. I think SHE is lucky not haunted!! 12 bucks really?? Come on!!

  8. Wow!!! I am in awe of that beauty in it's lovely color and the price- double wow!! I have wondered about pieces being haunted before too... lol! What a fantastic find and you have really made it beautiful! Thanks for sharing at my party! :)

  9. What a steal! I would love to find something like that. Your color choice and finish are fantastic, great job!

  10. Wow..what a find! it's gorgeous! I love your color always choose the best do you do it? I have this thing in my head that things have to match..I drive myself crazy because I can't make a decision..ha.
    You did an awesome job as usual :)

  11. The pricing at my SA is all over the place too. I always walk in expecting the high prices and then once in a while you get lucky. My favorite thing on dressers are the casters and I get so excited to find pieces like that. I love the finish on yours too!

  12. And for $11.99??!! I would think it would have cost at least another 1 in the front there...what a lucky find!! know the ever-missing 2nd sock? Maybe its got one of those type of silly haunts and eats the left pairs! Enjoy! xox

  13. (cue music)you're entering the twilight zone...

  14. It is seriously of the prettiest I've seen (and I could kill you for that $11.99 price tag). If it is haunted, just make friends with the ghost so you don't have to get rid of the dresser. It's the best option because that thing ROCKS!!!

  15. What a great piece! Love it and man, what a bargain.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. Too funny, it is beautiful. I had to laugh about the haunted thing because a little while back I had my heart set on some chairs and when I went back to Good Will they were gone! My mom made me feel better by saying " I bet they were haunted anyway" lol, if it is I'm sure it's a nice ghost that is really happy to be in a new home:)

  17. I'm absolutely drooling, I never find deals like that. So jealous! It's just lovely. I make almost weekly (or more) stops at our Salvation Army and Good Will, no luck. The joke around here is that SA really loves their stuff, because their prices are mostly just ridiculous! Great job!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. That piece is GORGEOUS, I'm loving the old casters and pulls. Love the color choice as well! I frequently visit my local Goodwills but have never been in Salvation Army... I believe I'll have to pay them a visit after seeing this gem!

  20. Great color...WOW! Love the price...we have a huge SA in downtown Dallas, I haven't been yet..maybe I need to go!

  21. Lucky!! It's gorgeous!

    And let's hope it's not haunted...eek.

  22. $11.99
    I hate you!!!! :)
    How do you always find such great stuff!!!!

  23. What a great a great price! I love how you painted it up, the colour is gorgeous. YOu know I bought an old organ from a garage sale for $20. The lady hugged me for buying it, which I thought was weird?? Turned out it WAS haunted.. by 3 little children. Tried to sell it.. but couldn't.. so gave it the SA. True story.. take care, Maryann

  24. I'm sure you just happened to be there at the right time to catch it! Looks beautiful!
