
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Eclectic chic mantle

I had shown this mantle on my old blog before it went POOF due to my email account being hacked. It is just one of my favorite pieces and I wanted to have it as part of my new blog. So sorry to those who this is a repeat post....

Unfortunately I don't have before photos because I bought this years ago before I knew you should take before photos of EVERYTHING....So, please use your imagination and try to picture my description....

It was in a dirty little corner at my very outdated Goodwill. It was $25 plus I had a 20% off coupon from my local paper. It was painted olive green and appeared to have MANY layers of paint on it...But, I saw through the filth and for the low price of $20 got it anyway...

My intentions were to strip it down to bare wood and stain it. Seeing that everything in my house is painted, I thought it might pop amongst the color that would surround it. I started with a paint stripper. Although it was coming off, there were SO MANY layers of paint and all of the nooks and crannies were making the process difficult. That is when I pulled out the handy dandy blow torch. For those of you who don't know, this is a great process for peeling paint of an item. Randy uses one for his jobs on houses to remove paint from hard to get to places....Such as shutters and fence posts....That's where I got the idea.

As I started torching, I was liking the burnt effect that was being left behind. This is when I decided to no longer go with the stained finish. I was going with the "blow torch sanded style"... :)

The end result was very Anthropologie looking to me with an obviously lower price tag....Plus my piece was the real vintage deal. The mirror even has the aged ghosting going on...Love it! Hope you enjoy it....

The rusted iron finials are from an old iron fence. The white iron pieces are old couch feet. In the past I had used them as bookends. They have moved around often though and have made their way to the mantle. The two tall glass bottles were my Great Grandmother's. So glad to have those as part of my home.....

Take care,

Linking here:

Faded Charm
The CSI Project
Primitive and Proper
Savvy Southern Style
Restore Interiors


  1. I do love it and love the other items with it, really shows off the finish!

  2. Love the vintage appeal of that. Thanks for linking up.

  3. Love this! I love the paint. All of the accessories are perfect.

  4. Wow! What a cool idea!

    I'm sorry to hear about your old blog! That completely stinks!!!

  5. I found a new blog for us!!!

    Oh my gosh - I love everything! I am now a follower!

  6. SO great!!! Sorry to hear about your old blog but glad to see that you're back at it nice and quick. Happy New Year!

  7. What a great piece! Love it!

  8. I LOVE it!

    I'm so sorry for the loss of your blog. :( I did take your advice about backing up the blog. Thank you SO much for sharing and saving me heartbreak and stress in the future. I even copied my blog html code and emailed it to myself so the layout/design was saved. ;)


  9. Very cool Lisa ...we've accomplished something like this with heatgun, if you hold it in one place long enough you can put on burn marks, just have be careful. I'm all new to your blog, thanks to Donna @ funky junk :)

  10. I love the piece, the display and the chippy paint! Thanks for sharing!

  11. So sorry about your old blog, but on a bright note, I found your new one because I saw the store about backing up blogs and what happened to you. So you have a brand new fan! Love this piece, by the way! Feel free to come link up at my blog!

  12. Love this piece, Lisa! It's amazing! I've featured it on my blog today along with your blog loss story. Everyone knows how to back up their blog today because of the loss of yours. :)


  13. I am so so sorry to hear what happened to your email and your blog.

  14. Hi Lisa, Great piece and display! So sorry about your email and blog, but glad I found you.

  15. Hi Lisa,

    I just found your blog through Donna's Blog, Funky Junk Interiors,
    I am so sorry to hear about you losing your blog. I will be sure and add you to my blog roll and I am now a happy follower. I am going to be sure and back up my blog. I never dreamed such a thing could happen. That is terrible.
    Take Care,
    p.s. I LOVE your shelf you made! Very Anthropologie Chic!

  16. Hi Lisa.
    A new visiter here.All the way from Norway. I found you trough Funky junk interiors. I want to thank you for demaning a tutorial how to back up the blog. I have done so now. :)
    And now I sit here totally amazed over your redos of furiture and ideas. You are very good at it and all the things you make is so beautiful. You do distressing very good.
    Love the blues you do. I should try something blue I think.So pretty.
    You got a new follower now.:)
    I wish you a happy new year and a wonderful day. :)

  17. So sorry to hear about your old blog! But glad I found you from Funky Junk Interiors! :)

    Love your mantle ... And your ability to see through the filth! :) Those are often the best finds!

    - Lauren

  18. I am so in love with that piece... I would have screamed like a girl if I saw that in Goodwill... I really like the way you did the finish and the display pieces are so fitting. Great job Lisa.

    Found you over at FJI... thanks for taking the time to get the word out... so sorry you had to go to all that trouble first though... I will be backing up tonight for sure.

    Hugs, Deb

  19. That is the coolest thing I've ever seen. I'm so glad you decided to re-post!

  20. Pretty! (You're scaring me about the email hacker!) Heidi

  21. I am visiting from the CSI project. I am numbers 86,87,88, and 89.

    Still love this piece. Great Job.

    Cheri from and

  22. Now that's a trick even I wasn't familiar with. It looks terrific, Lisa. I'll have to show this one to the Yankee. ;)

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage

  23. I love the plant you have growing there. What type of plant is that?

    -Zane of ontario honey
