

Every Tuesday at Serendipity Chic Design an Etsy giveaway will be held.  This will give Etsy sellers the opportunity to share their dedication and hard work. 

The host must giveaway an item with a retail  value of at least $20.  The item must be something for the home, garden, or fashion apparel.  I'd appreciate the item tying in with the theme of my blog.....
"Shabby Eclectic Chic"
In addition, you are required to ship it to the winner.  

The fun part...."benefits for the host"

~You will receive many viewers coming to your Etsy shop
~Your giveaway will be advertised in my header for the week
~An entire post will be dedicated to your giveaway
~I will mention the giveaway in my posts thereafter
~You will receive a free month advertising on my sidebar
(after the month, if you choose to continue advertising with me, the fees can be seen HERE)

Click HERE to view the giveaway going on right now....

I can be contacted for more information at