

Serendipity Chic Design is a decorating, home renovation, do it yourself design blog.  I use a multitude of products with each project I do.  I post new ideas and projects on a daily basis. 

My blog is growing quickly targeting men and women wanting to save money and do projects for their homes and gardens on their own.

Your product or shop may be exactly what my followers and subscribers are looking for.

Advertising rates are as follows....

SIDEBAR...thumbnail photo that links to your site when clicked on....
1 month=$25
2 months=$45
3 months=$65

If you would like to host a giveaway, I will do this for free.  Your giveaway must be at least a $25 value.  It is your responsibility to ship the item to the winner. 

All billing will take place through pay pal.

I look forward to working with you!