
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Woo hoo! Sami is in print......

A while back I mentioned going to a fall harvest party at my friend Debra's from Capers of the Vintage Vixens. Her house is so amazing, that Fifi O'Neill made a second trip back to her home to feature the festival and recipes made by friends and family in her cookbook "The Romantic Prairie Cookbook".....

Debra's home made 14 pages of the book...Unbelievable! And I am proud to say that my daughter Sami made one of the pages with her homemade chocolate chip cookies...Debra and I purchased our books from Amazon. The book is truly gorgeous and inspirational....Be sure to check out Debra's blog ...You will be blown away by her gift of decorating with her flea market finds......

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Shabby chic cottage dresser.....

Hey everyone! I am so sorry it has been so long since I have posted. Life has gotten in the way just a teeny tiny bit, but I hope to be posting more frequently now. Thanks to those of you who have sent me personal emails checking up on me to see where I have been. They meant the world to me....

So, onto the topic at hand...A plain boring vintage dresser....It was in great condition with excellent bones, but was in the need of a paintbrush and some TLC......

I chose a very pale gray/blue paint to brighten it up....Then distressed it resulting in perfection.....