
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

20th Etsy seller giveaway~A Marigold Life

Welcome to Serendipity Chic Design's 20th weekly Etsy seller giveaway. Today I will be introducing you to A Marigold Life

Being an Etsy seller myself, I know the hard work, dedication, and love that goes into handmade items. Therefore I would like to promote my fellow Etsy sellers through weekly giveaways. It will give them the opportunity to show off their hard work, and you the opportunity to win or purchase a unique one of a kind item for your home, garden,or personally for yourself to wear.

I am so excited to have Lynn from A Marigold Life here today. I was totally drawn into her shop when I spotted her eclectic and unique bird's nests. For the giveaway today she if giving these two fabuolus pieces away. One is in a sunset melmac cup with decoupage summer floral eggs and the other is with red patriotic glitter eggs nested in a vintage jello tin.

Her shop is filled with these fabulous nests, along with other shabby vintage finds. Here are a few.....

The rules for the giveaway are short and sweet. You have 3 opportunities to win!
1. Become a follower or subscriber of Serendipity Chic Design (If you already are, just let me know)
2.Visit A Marigold Life and heart their shop on Etsy.
3. Tweet, blog about, or advertise this giveaway on Facebook. Just send me the link.

As simple as that....Choose one of the options above, or all three. The more you do, the more chances you have to win. Please leave a separate comment for each opportunity.

The giveaway will run from Tuesday May 31st until Sunday June 5th closing at midnight.  PLEASE NOTE...this giveaway ships to the US only....

PLEASE NOTE....I have had to pass on a couple of winners because I had no way of contacting them. PLEASE leave your email address in your comment if you do not have a blog I can contact you through...

Click HERE to find out more about being an Etsy giveaway host at Serendipity Chic Design

Good luck to everyone!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Meet Me On Monday~theme party #3~POLKA DOTS

OOPS! Sorry I am getting this party started so late...Seeing that it is a holiday, I forgot it was Monday...This weeks theme is polka dots.

First I wanted to share a few signs though from last weeks party....

A Day In The Life Of Trees:

A Southern Belle With Northern Roots:

Sister's of the Wild West:

Here is another sign I did this week.....

Now, onto the real deal for the week....

POLKA DOTS...Anything with polka dots, but it must be, food, clothing, fabric, etc....Use your imaginations!

Here is the project I did this week:

Just a heads up, the party next week will be PAINTED FURNITURE (This one is for you Cassie)

Now for the rules.....

1.Please link your specific post, not your blog
2.No giveaway or Etsy shop links
3.Grab my button or link my party somewhere on your blog.

Linking to THESE parties

Sunday, May 29, 2011

A few thrifty finds.....

Nothing to exciting to share with you today, but I did find a couple of fun things at the thrift stores. One of my favorite items to decorate with are vintage vases or bottles with fresh flowers. I especially love it when I find them for a bargain. This gorgeous vintage vase was only 50 cents.....

For only $1, I purchased this vintage green bowl. It became the perfect centerpiece after adding some water and a floating candle.

Then there were these shabby chic plates that jumped right out at me....

Another fun find was this unique butter dish....

I got a couple of other  things, but haven't gotten around to painting them yet....

I did also find some hens and chicks for one of my planters at a really good price. I put them in a concrete planter and surrounded them with moss....

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A new flea market

Today we tried out a new flea market. It was definitely OK, but we do much better at the other flea market we usually go to. Of course I forgot to take a decent amount of photos. I did take a couple of a few vignettes I had set up....

Guess I had a blue and cranberry theme going on this week....

One more day to enter my Etsy seller GIVEAWAY from Cottage Ruffles.

Friday, May 27, 2011

French country sideboard......

Whoa! I almost didn't get a post in today! Randy and I are trying a new flea market tomorrow, so I have been working non stop today getting things in order. To top it off I had to run Reece to the Dr. He has been out of school all week. We thought his allergies were out of control, but when his eyes became completely bloodshot last night, I decided we should probably get it checked out. The poor kid has strep and double pink eye....Anyway, he feels totally fine though....

Onto the good stuff. The other day I painted a small sideboard that I was positive was going to go in my BEDROOM. Although the renovation has been done for a bit now, I am still trying to pull it all together and decorated. That being said, I painted this piece to go in my room. In the end, I liked the piece, but just hated it in my room....So, it is coming to the flea tomorrow. I am not sure where the before photo is, so just picture a bland brown piece. Here is the after....

I'll share photos tomorrow of my vendor space...Until then, have a great holiday weekend!

P.S....Two more days to link your signs up to my LINKY party....

Linking to THESE parties...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

The MOST gorgeous shabby, romantic, vintage home I have ever been to...

Quick background here...A couple of months ago another blogger came across my blog and told me she was from Connecticut too. We began chatting and realized we lived only 20 minutes from each other. We also figured out that she is a frequent shopper at the flea market I vend at and had purchased items from me in the past. A few weeks later, she knew I'd be vending and we met in person for the first time. We became instant friends and hit it off immediately. And not just because she has become my best customer...hee hee...She has met my whole family, and I have been lucky enough to meet her husband, daughter, and her 3 adorable grandchildren.

Anyway I love to read her blog. Capers of the Vintage Vixens. From what I have seen her buy at the flea and seen on her blog, I was blunt enough to invite myself to her house so I could see it in person.

We planned that I would go over yesterday. I got out of the car and the first words out of my mouth were "Oh my God". I couldn't stop saying it. I was beyond words. This place was sincerely magical.

Her house is an old barn dating back to the 1700's. The gardens are gorgeous as you can see.

Then we walked in and I felt like I had just walked into a museum. Everything was amazing and had the perfect spot. I couldn't stop commenting and staring at every detail. I know now I must have missed 1,000 things. One of the first rooms I saw was the solarium. There was even an indoor pond.

Here is a picture of  the library. How fabulous is this table with the numbered chairs. Everything is finished to perfection. I loved the tulle wrapped around each one.

Then there was this cozy sitting area. I swear I wanted to lay down with a magazine.

Notice the mocha colored tulle around the base of this vintage couch.

We sat in her kitchen and had yummy blueberry pie. While eating, I was trying to take the entire room in. Little pieces of me that she purchased from the flea were perfectly placed around the house. Debra had just bought this "Flowers For Sale" sign from me and I loved where she put it.

As I was leaving, I snapped some other miscellaneous photos.....

Be sure to go visit Debra at her blog, you will love her and every post she does.